Studying the old masters of nursing: A critical student experience for developing nursing identity Jacinta Kelly a, *, Roger Watson b, James Watson a, Malachi Needham a, Laura O. Driscoll a a Anglia Ruskin University, East Road Campus, Young Street Site, Cambridge CB1 1PT, UK b School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Hull, UK a b s t r a c t Article history: Received 4 March 2015 Received in revised form 10 May 2016 Accepted 27 June 2017 In the past professional identity in nursing was inculcated in students alongside institutional pride. A strong sense of professional identity is key to staff retention and recruitment and key to the delivery of quality nursing care. With the wholesale transfer of pre-registration nursing education to the third level sector, however, the reality is that students now divide their affiliations between university and healthcare institutions and professional identity development may be stymied. For this reason, there is need to explore alternative means of developing professional identity. Exposure to nursing history may counteract this tendency. Based on adult nursing students’ reflections of a visit to the Florence Nightingale Museum, we discuss the potential of this activity in aiding development of critical professional identity. Keywords: Museum Masters of nursing Professionalism Nursing history Pre-registration students Identity 1. Introduction Reports suggest that having an historical perspective in nursing in preparatory nurse programmes can influence critical professional identity development (Lewenson, 2005; Happell, 2007; Padilha and Nelson, 2009; Borsay, 2009; Toman and Thifault, 2011). Nursing history, however, has been side-lined in successive nursing curricula (Smith et al., 2014), due in much part to nursing history jockeying for position in curricula dominated by statutory science subjects, coupled with the lack of expertise in teaching nursing history and the sustained media campaigns for more focus on practical and technical instruction in nurse education (Kelly and Watson, 2015). In this paper, we discuss the value of a nursing history museum experience for pre-registration nursing students in aiding development of critical nursing identity. Specifically, we base our position paper on a recent tutor accompanied visit to the Florence Nightingale Museum at St Thomas's Hospital, London in the United Kingdom. In concluding, we offer suggestions for contemporary practice and for future research. 2. Background The importance of developing critical nursing staff is clear when * Corresponding author. E-mail address: (J. Kelly). 1471-5953/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. examining the outcomes of well publicised investigations into poor nursing care in the UK (DH, 2012; Francis, 2013). Moreover, the successful development of critical professional identity is crucial as it has a direct relationship to student retention and therefore ultimately the numbers of those entering and remaining in the profession (Worthington et al., 2013). It is suggested that education is a key formative period for developing nursing identity as this is when intending nurses gain the knowledge and skills that separate nurses as professional healthcare workers from lay people (Johnson et al., 2012). One problem in this regard is that since the progressive move away from hospital based apprenticeship, developing nursing identity is now fragmented between the university and the healthcare institution which have their differing philosophies, with universities constructing intending nurses as critically thinking and knowing care givers, protecting against ritualised care, and health service organisations viewing new graduates as organisational operatives providing a nursing service and institutional protection (Hamilton, 2005; Brennan and Timmins, 2012). The formation of professional identity is a complex phenomenon primarily formed through socialisation and conformity to an organisation (Brennan and Timmins, 2012) and can easily be disrupted by marginalization and antagonism (Berry, 2011; Cantey, 2012, 2013). How universities can help foster professional identity and prepare students for entry to the workplace is an area of interest in fields beyond nursing (Grealish and Trevitt, 2005; Roskell, 2013). It is recognised that both clinical practice and academic staff can exemplify behaviours and attitudes that directly influence a student's development of professional identity (Felstead, 2013). Clinical teachers help students acquire professional values by acting as role models in practice (Brown et al., 2012) and both positive and negative behaviours of registered nurses can significantly influence students' development of professional identity (Cantey, 2012; Keeling and Templeman, 2013). There are a number of other key factors which can have a significant influence on professional identity development including uniform design (Shaw and Timmons, 2010), participation in nursing organisations (Lapidus-Graham, 2012) and exposure to interprofessional learning (Coster et al., 2008; Hood et al., 2014). Most interestingly, a study in Australia where first year nursing students were invited to act as ambassadors at a celebratory event on International Nurses Day, it was reported that those taking part developed a stronger nursing identity through historical learning (McAllister et al., 2011). It is believed that historical learning contributes to critical identity development as it aids intending nurses' socialisation and orientation to the nursing profession and attending professional expectations (Church, 1990). Historical learning for students of nursing is valuable in identity development as it helps nurses understand people and societies (Stearns, 1993). The study of the history of nursing contributes to development of professional moral understanding and is instrumental in helping to shape minds hospitable to new ideas, values and experiences (Lynaugh, 1993 pg 1). Moreover, knowing nursing's past allows nurses imagine possibilities in nurses' day to day world’ (Lynaugh, 1993 pg 1). Historical perspectives help the profession know what nursing is now and how it can evolve in the future (Kalisch and Kalisch, 1976; Lewenson, 2005; Madsen, 2008). McLuhan (1967) likened historical learning to looking in the rear view mirror; not merely for the purpose of looking back but as a useful vehicle for seeing what is coming up from behind. Historical learning is not just trying to resurrect the past but about harnessing it to develop something new. For students in education and developing their craft, the history of the professionalization of nursing and institutional histories and, most especially, the history of nursing practice and historical leaders are worthy of study as intending nurses seek to achieve artistry and mastery in nursing. Derrick (2008 pg1) supported this where he stated that ‘mastering any art form inevitably requires studying the old masters of that form; a composer with no knowledge of Mozart, a writer with no appreciation of Shakespeare or a filmmaker with no knowledge of Hitchcock are all poor artists’. From an interdisciplinary working perspective, developing historical awareness and in turn nursing identity can help illuminate nursing's distinct contribution to healthcare (McNamara et al., 2011). Further to this, Sokol (2008) stated that a knowledge of professional healthcare history can provide students with a sense of perspective and connectedness with the past, better professional judgment and reasoning together with humility, a deeper appreciation of professionalism, greater emotional wisdom, and a more critical approach to contemporary healthcare (Sokol, 2008). Keeling (2001) argues that historical learning helps students base clinical decision making not solely on technical knowledge but helps expand students' thinking and increases tolerance. In sum, appreciation of nursing history supports sustained vibrant and dynamic environments for clinical and academic scholars helping to educate nurses more comprehensively for future healthcare leadership roles (Lewenson, 2005). While historical learning earns universal praise and numerous schools around the world have buildings named after historical nursing leaders and iconic nursing leaders such as Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole continue to attract following from as far away as Japan (Takada, 1984; Yagi, 1986), reports suggest that students of nursing do not enjoy meaningful dialogue about the history of nursing during preparatory programmes (AAHN, 2001; Wolff, 2002; Padilha and Nelson, 2009; McAllister et al., 2010; Hackmann, 2001; Smith et al., 2014), most ironically in the UK (Kelly and Watson, 2015). It is argued that this insufficiency impacts on the development of critical nursing identity essentially as ‘skilled knowers and doers’ (Kelly et al., 2012) and the advancement of the profession in the public's interest in many areas, chief among them being healthcare reform, emerging health technologies and practice development (Canadian Nurses' Association, 2007). Despite the reported rewards of studying professional history, in contrast to for example, law, medicine or education, however, the study of nursing history is ‘pitifully meagre’. Attributes this lack of interest to nursing being more ‘action-oriented’ and perhaps due to nursing education's reputation for dull fact-filled’ history of nursing classroom based instruction. In an effort to secure an action filled exercise outside of the traditional classroom, a field trip to a substantive nursing history museum in the UK was offered to preregistration nursing students. 3. An approach to the provision of nursing history experience Museums and galleries are a source of both formal and informal education and commonly provide a range of exhibits and learning opportunities for individuals and groups (Allon, 1999; Knight, 2010). The majority of the literature related to visits to art galleries where it was identified that visits were influential in developing acuity in clinical observation and assessment skills (Pardue, 2005; Pellico et al., 2009; Klugman et al., 2011), improving stu€ m and Svide n, 2007; dents' communication skills (Wilkstro Klugman et al., 2011), in the teaching of spirituality (Mooney and € m, 2012) and promoting Timmins, 2007), reflection (Wikstro aesthetic knowledge development. Delaney (2003) exposing student nurses to museum exhibits relating to the history of nursing may help instil a sense of professional self. A visit to the Florence Nightingale museum situated on the grounds of St Thomas's hospital, London, where Nightingale established her first nurse training school was organised with pre-registration adult nursing students. The Victorian nursing pioneer is celebrated in this museum as a sanitary reformer, statistician, administrator, researcher and educationalist. There is also celebration of the evolution and contribution of other historical nursing leaders, most notably Mary Seacole. The multimedia interactive facility lends itself to guided or self-guided tours with provision for a maximum of 30 visitors at any one time. A tutor accompanied tour was offered to 2nd year adult nursing students courtesy of the university but on an elective basis. Train fare costs were borne by students. The visit was field work associated with a 2nd year BSc adult nursing discipline specific module entitled Maintaining professional healthcare standards. In line with Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) standards for pre-registration nurse education (Nursing and Midwifery, 2010), the module aims to help students further acclimatise to professional role expectations and standards in regard to care planning, including ethical and legal decision making responsibilities. Students did not receive instruction on nursing history here or elsewhere in the pre-registration curriculum prior to the visit. Students who attended the visit were asked to write a reflection on their visit and discuss these reflections using an admixture of peer groups and individually tutor discussions. 4. Reflections Students were steered through their reflections of the visit using Gibbs (1988) reflective theoretical model (Fig. 1). Several feelings were evoked by the museum visit, notably self-confidence, unity, pride, inspiration, enthusiasm and sense of belonging. As evidenced Fig. 1. Summary of student reflections on museum visit (Adapted from Gibbs, 1988). by student reflections, the visit was evaluated as a welcomed departure from classroom centric study. Many students expressed satisfaction with the versatility of self-paced, interactive and multimedia instruction which the museum offered while others experienced the museum as small and difficult to navigate and some would have preferred solely or an additional Curator led talk. Interestingly, male nursing students were impressed with how well male nurses were represented in the museum. On balance students analysed the museum visit as an overall positive experience and one which many believed ought to be a compulsory as opposed to an elective student activity during the course of their studies. Students found the visit a useful prompt to reflection on professional beliefs and values and where nursing is currently and what it could be in the future. Many viewed the visit as a useful team building exercise and reaffirming of career choice, with especially the latter for male nursing students. As regards nursing student identity and developing nursing identity, many students concluded from the visit that nursing identity was not bound up in institutions or organisations or vocationalism and self-sacrifice but bound by values and behaviours such as caring, compassion, courage and commitment. Critical nursing identity was also bound up in developing nurses' receptiveness to change and adaptability. Action points for students following the museum visit were firstly to enact values in practice settings and to redouble nursing students' commitment to nursing. Further action points for students were the importance of nursing students’ identity as independent thinkers and change agents. In common with other reports, the museum visit was most valuable in motivating students to continue their studies, especially at this point in time in their course where enthusiasm tends to wane (Hogan and Lovesy’s, 2007; Worthington et al., 2013). This study strengthens the evidence for using museum visits to reconfirm nursing students' commitment and to counter student attrition. The museum visit seemed to foster team building and opportunities to develop a sense of comradery and belonging to a community of equals with a common interest, purpose and understanding of their field. This exercise showed that a visit to the museum constructed nursing student identity as grounded in a profession that had come along way and achieved a lot, one that continues to be highly adaptable and open to change. In contrast to assertions mooted in other studies (Hamilton, 2005; Brennan and Timmins, 2012), this study constructed nursing students as independent thinkers not relying on institution or organisations, but instead more interested in embracing the values and attributes they observed Florence Nightingale and other nursing leaders in the museum to inhabit. These values of caring, courage, commitment and compassion, reflect a number of the values of the National Health Service (NHS, 2013). The study showed that the identity of contemporary intending nurses was constructed as being keen to combine the best elements offered by both institutions to develop skills to benefit the people they care for rather than being concerned with cultivating institutional or organisational loyalties. 5. Implications for practice Preparatory adult nursing education should meet the needs of those receiving healthcare in order for programmes of instruction to be fit for purpose (NMC, 2010; Felstead, 2013). To this end, nurse educationalist need to meet the needs of nursing students through curriculum design and development, when endeavouring to support students to develop a worthy sense of professional self. Notwithstanding the current drive towards compassionate care and the need to support nursing student identity grounded in shareable ideals and in values, specifically the 6Cs, Care, Compassion, Commitment, Courage, Communication and Competency, through activities such as the museum visit, curriculum design and development is best informed by research and by consultation with a number of stake holders, including nursing students. This discussion paper might serve as a reference point for curriculum policy relating to the inclusion of nursing history in core preregistration nursing curriculum on the basis that its inclusion is conceptualized as a visit to a nursing history museum. It is acknowledged that practical implications exist to such curriculum policy in that difficulty may arise for nursing students not so favourably geographically located to the Florence Nightingale museum. The associated travel and cost implications may be substantial to bear and render this particular historical nursing museum visit prohibitive for some schools. In this instance the Florence Nightingale museum might be encouraged to develop a mobile arm to the museum in the same way Body Work Exhibition to help understanding of bioscience is provided. 6. Conclusion Although, the transfer of nursing pre-registrations education has been in place since the 1980s, little was known about how this has affected developing nursing identity during preparatory education programmes. As old certainties fade, it is timely to report on nursing students’ experience and value of studying the old masters of nursing in a substantive nursing history museum in developing and articulating developing nursing identity. While the museum visit could only achieve a brisk course in the history of nursing, the emergent identities discoverable from this exercise might serve as a references for other nursing schools to illuminate developing nursing identity and in turn enhance student retention and support development of appropriate attitudes and values. Future research could explore how nursing museum visits shortcomings could be neutralised and whether indeed museum visits over other historical learning activities should be normalised in pre-registration programmes more nationally. Ethical approval statement Ethical approval was granted from the local institutional ethics committee (AC/DREP/14-001). Following distribution of an information sheet, informed consent was obtained through written and verbal consent. Participants were advised they could withdraw from the study at any point. Data was managed securely in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998). 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