Widdowson, M., Sager, W., Hoernle, K., Höfig, T. W., Avery, A. J., Bhutani, R., Buchs, D. M., Carvallo, C. A., Class, C., Dai, Y., Dalla Valle, G., Del Gaudio, A. V., Gaastra, K. M., Han, S., Heaton, D., Homrighausen, S., Kubota, Y., Li, C. F., Nelson, W. R., Petrou, E., …Tshiningayamwe, M. (2022). Expedition 391 Preliminary Report : Walvis Ridge Hotspot: drilling Walvis Ridge, Southeast Atlantic Ocean, to test models of ridge hotspot interaction, isotopic zonation, and the hotspot reference frame. International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP)