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Outputs (92)

Infrastructure shortcuts: the private cloud infrastructure of data-driven policing and its political consequences (2024)
Book Chapter
Marciniak, D. (2024). Infrastructure shortcuts: the private cloud infrastructure of data-driven policing and its political consequences. In M. Avis, D. Marciniak, & M. Sapignoli (Eds.), States of Surveillance. Ethnographies of New Technologies in Policing and Justice (143-163). Routledge.

Described interchangeably as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and big data, recent years have seen an increasing move towards the use of automated forms of data analysis and scoring mobilised to reorganise and “improve” policing. One f... Read More about Infrastructure shortcuts: the private cloud infrastructure of data-driven policing and its political consequences.

Immigration Control, Mystification and the Carceral Continuum (2023)
Book Chapter
Burnett, J. (2024). Immigration Control, Mystification and the Carceral Continuum. In D. G. Scott, & J. Sim (Eds.), Demystifying Power, Crime and Social Harm The Work and Legacy of Steven Box. Palgrave Macmillan.

This chapter examines immigration control in the UK as a core site where carceral logics are actualised, drawing on the analytical framework developed in Steven Box’s Power, Crime and Mystification. Box’s seminal text in 1983 provided a compelling ac... Read More about Immigration Control, Mystification and the Carceral Continuum.

Marxism and the Political Economy of Abolition (2023)
Book Chapter
Burnett, J. (in press). Marxism and the Political Economy of Abolition. In D. G. Scott (Ed.), Abolitionist Voices. Bristol University Press

This chapter examines the ways Marxist and neo-Marxist thought has contributed to abolitionist praxis. In doing so, it first explores Marx’s early writings in the 1840s, demonstrating how these were foundational to his later critique of political eco... Read More about Marxism and the Political Economy of Abolition.

Punishment in Britain in the Twentieth Century (2023)
Book Chapter
Johnston, H. (2023). Punishment in Britain in the Twentieth Century. In P. Lawrence (Ed.), A Global History of Crime and Punishment in the Modern Age: Volume 6 (145-164). Bloomsbury Publishing

The Execution Dock: Wapping, East London, UK (2023)
Book Chapter
Laverick, W., & Joyce, P. (2023). The Execution Dock: Wapping, East London, UK. In A. Lynes, C. Kelly, & J. Treadwell (Eds.), 50 Dark Destinations: Crime and Contemporary Tourism (65-70). Policy Press

This book chapter focuses on the crime of piracy and how the state responded to this problem in the eighteenth and early years of the nineteenth century.

Balancing Sympathy and Empathy in an Emotive Discipline (2022)
Book Chapter
Nichols, H., & Humphrey, V. (2022). Balancing Sympathy and Empathy in an Emotive Discipline. In S. Young, & K. Strudwick (Eds.), Teaching Criminology and Criminal Justice : Challenges for Higher Education (179-198). Palgrave Macmillan.

This chapter considers the challenge of balancing sympathy and empathy in the emotive discipline of criminology grounded in an introductory discussion of pedagogies of empathy. With a focus on the study of prisons, the chapter considers some of the o... Read More about Balancing Sympathy and Empathy in an Emotive Discipline.

The Deep State: Definitional Debates and Impacts (2022)
Book Chapter
Dover, R. (2022). The Deep State: Definitional Debates and Impacts. In R. Dover, H. Dylan, & M. S. Goodman (Eds.), A Research Agenda for Intelligence Studies and Government (155-165). Edward Elgar Publishing.

The term deep state has been used to describe the military-intelligence-industrial complex in some notable contexts such as the US, UK, India, Egypt and Turkey. More recently it has been appropriated by populists and conspiracy theorists to describe... Read More about The Deep State: Definitional Debates and Impacts.

Populism, Anti-System Politics and the Media: A spotlight on Covid-19 (2021)
Book Chapter
Dover, R. (2021). Populism, Anti-System Politics and the Media: A spotlight on Covid-19. In J. Mair, T. Clark, N. Fowler, R. Snoddy, & R. Tait (Eds.), Populism, the Pandemic and the Media : Journalism in the age of Covid, Trump, Brexit and Johnson (148-154). Abramis.

Anti-system politicians in positions of power and influence and a compliant legacy and digital media have created a climate of disinformation and uncertainty for ordinary citizens during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Why nature won’t save us from climate change but technology will”: Creating a New Heaven and a New Earth Through Carbon Capture Technologies (2021)
Book Chapter
Ornella, A. (2021). “Why nature won’t save us from climate change but technology will”: Creating a New Heaven and a New Earth Through Carbon Capture Technologies. In S. Maasen, & D. Atwood (Eds.), Immanente Religion - Transzendente Technologie : Technologiediskurse und gesellschaftliche Grenzüberschreitungen (193-223). Verlag Barbara Budrich

Warnings about climate change often come wrapped in apocalyptic language and scenarios, often as a rhetorical strategy to convey the sense of urgency with which action is required. Similarly, technologies that promise to deliver us from the impending... Read More about “Why nature won’t save us from climate change but technology will”: Creating a New Heaven and a New Earth Through Carbon Capture Technologies.