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Outputs (390)

'It was like an animal in pain': Institutional thoughtlessness and bereavement in prison (2020)
Journal Article
Wilson, M., Johnston, H., & Walker, L. (in press). 'It was like an animal in pain': Institutional thoughtlessness and bereavement in prison. Criminology & criminal Justice,

Using the concept of institutional thoughtlessness, this article examines a range of issues embedded within daily prison life which have a detrimental effect upon the lives of those bereaved during a prison sentence. Drawing on in-depth qualitative r... Read More about 'It was like an animal in pain': Institutional thoughtlessness and bereavement in prison.

The Literary and Activist Works of Luis J. Rodríguez (2020)
Book Chapter
Metcalf, J. (2020). The Literary and Activist Works of Luis J. Rodríguez. In L. G. Mendoza (Ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latina and Latino Literature. Oxford University Press

Luis J. Rodríguez is a Chicano memoirist, novelist, poet, children’s author, and activist. Born in 1954 in Mexico, his family migrated to the United States when he was young. As a youth, he spent many years immersed in the street gangs of Los Angeles... Read More about The Literary and Activist Works of Luis J. Rodríguez.

Story-telling as memorialisation: suffering, resilience and victim identities (2020)
Journal Article
Green, S. T., Kondor, K., & Kidd, A. (in press). Story-telling as memorialisation: suffering, resilience and victim identities. Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 10(3), 563-583.

All rights reserved. Is there a relationship between story-telling and memorialisation in the construction of victim identities? This paper seeks to examine these questions and shed light on the cultural dynamics of victimisation with reference to ex... Read More about Story-telling as memorialisation: suffering, resilience and victim identities.

The effectiveness and characteristics of mHealth interventions to increase adolescent’s use of sexual and reproductive health services in Sub-Saharan Africa: protocol for a systematic review (2020)
Preprint / Working Paper
Onukwugha, F., Smith, L., Kaseje, . D., Wafula, . C., Kaseje, . M., Were, V., Orton, B., Hayter, M., Jomeen, . J., & Magadi, . M. The effectiveness and characteristics of mHealth interventions to increase adolescent’s use of sexual and reproductive health services in Sub-Saharan Africa: protocol for a systematic review

Operating in the dark: The identification of forced labour in the UK (2020)
Journal Article
Shepherd, R., & Wilkinson, M. (in press). Operating in the dark: The identification of forced labour in the UK. Critical social policy : CSP,

Presented here are the findings of a research study undertaken between 2015 and 2018 that focused on existing arrangements and mechanisms for front-line identification of the victims of forced labour in the UK. The study drew upon interviews with ser... Read More about Operating in the dark: The identification of forced labour in the UK.

Understanding ethnic variations in HIV prevalence in Kenya: the role of cultural practices (2020)
Journal Article
Magadi, M., Gazimbi, M., Wafula, C., & Kaseje, M. (2021). Understanding ethnic variations in HIV prevalence in Kenya: the role of cultural practices. Culture, health & sexuality, 23(6), 822-839.

Patterns of HIV prevalence in Kenya suggest that areas where various cultural practices are prevalent bear a disproportionate burden of HIV. This paper examines (i) the contextual effects of cultural practices (polygyny, male circumcision) and relate... Read More about Understanding ethnic variations in HIV prevalence in Kenya: the role of cultural practices.

“ ‘O Prison Darkness … Lions in the Cage’; The ‘Peculiar’ Prison Narratives of Guantanamo Bay” (2020)
Book Chapter
Metcalf, J. (2020). “ ‘O Prison Darkness … Lions in the Cage’; The ‘Peculiar’ Prison Narratives of Guantanamo Bay”. In M. Harmes, M. Harmes, & B. Harmes (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Incarceration in Popular Culture (67-87). Palgrave Macmillan.

Prison memoirs often consider the author’s life of crime prior to incarceration and reflect on the behaviors (e.g., greed) or structural violence (e.g., poverty, racism) that led them to the prison. But what happens then, when as in the case of Guant... Read More about “ ‘O Prison Darkness … Lions in the Cage’; The ‘Peculiar’ Prison Narratives of Guantanamo Bay”.

Learning the lessons: What previous PCC elections can tell us about this year’s contest. (2020)
Journal Article
Laverick, W., & Joyce, P. (2020). Learning the lessons: What previous PCC elections can tell us about this year’s contest. Policing Insight,

This May, in England and Wales, the public will go to the polls to elect their local Police and Crime Commissioner. Professor Peter Joyce and Dr Wendy Laverick examine the lessons to be learnt from the previous two elections in 2012 and 2016 and what... Read More about Learning the lessons: What previous PCC elections can tell us about this year’s contest..

Gender and release from imprisonment: Convict licensing systems in mid to late 19th century England (2020)
Book Chapter
Johnston, H., & Cox, D. (2020). Gender and release from imprisonment: Convict licensing systems in mid to late 19th century England. In M. Van der Heijden, M. Pluskota, & S. Muurling (Eds.), Women's Criminality in Europe, 1600-1914 (134-147). Cambridge University Press (CUP).

This paper draws on the research undertaken into the lives and prison experiences of around 650 male and female convicts who were released on licence (an early form of parole) from sentences of long term imprisonment (three years to life) in England... Read More about Gender and release from imprisonment: Convict licensing systems in mid to late 19th century England.

Hope Walks by Me: Justice & Liberty in the Lands of the Free: Poetry & Prose by Ex-Offenders (2019)
Litten, R., & Metcalf, J. (Eds.). (2019). Hope Walks by Me: Justice & Liberty in the Lands of the Free: Poetry & Prose by Ex-Offenders. Barbican Press

Ex-prisoners in Hull joined together with writer Russ Litten and academic Josephine Metcalf for a series of writing workshops.

Hope Walks By Me gathers the fruits of those months – individual poems by men and women, prose pieces, and ‘Group Poems’... Read More about Hope Walks by Me: Justice & Liberty in the Lands of the Free: Poetry & Prose by Ex-Offenders.