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Effectiveness of shared pharmaceutical care for older patients: RESPECT trial findings (2010)
Journal Article
RESPECT trial team, Richmond, S., Morton, V., Cross, B., Chi Kei Wong, I., Russell, I., Philips, Z., Miles, J., Hilton, A., Hill, G., Farrin, A., Coulton, S., Chrystyn, H., & Campion, P. (2010). Effectiveness of shared pharmaceutical care for older patients: RESPECT trial findings. The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 60(570), e10-e19.

Background The pharmaceutical care approach serves as a model for medication review, involving collaboration between GPs, pharmacists, patients, and carers. Its use is advocated with older patients who are typically prescribed several drugs. However,... Read More about Effectiveness of shared pharmaceutical care for older patients: RESPECT trial findings.

Cost-effectiveness of shared pharmaceutical care for older patients: RESPECT trial findings (2010)
Journal Article
Bojke, C., Philips, Z., Sculpher, M., Campion, P., Chrystyn, H., Coulton, S., Cross, B., Morton, V., Richmond, S., Farrin, A., Hill, G., Hilton, A., Russell, I., Chi Kei Wong, I., Miles, J., & RESPECT Trial Team. (2010). Cost-effectiveness of shared pharmaceutical care for older patients: RESPECT trial findings. The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 60(570), 21-27.

Background: Pharmaceutical care serves as a collaborative model for medication review. Its use is advocated for older patients, although its cost-effectiveness is unknown. Although the accompanying article on clinical effectiveness from the RESPECT (... Read More about Cost-effectiveness of shared pharmaceutical care for older patients: RESPECT trial findings.