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Outputs (7)

Understanding HPV and cervical screening (2021)
Journal Article
Butler, S., & Wilkinson, Y. (2022). Understanding HPV and cervical screening. Practice Nursing, 33(1), 14-17.

Cervical cancer is preventable and curable. Sarah Butler and Yvonne Wilkinson explain how the cervical screening programme has changed from a cytology based test to HPV primary screening

Screening for human papillomavirus is now the primary test f... Read More about Understanding HPV and cervical screening.

Teaching person-centred practice in physiotherapy curricula: a literature review (2021)
Journal Article
Killingback, C., Tomlinson, A., Stern, J., & Whitfield, C. (2022). Teaching person-centred practice in physiotherapy curricula: a literature review. Physical Therapy Reviews, 27(1), 40-50.

Background: There is a growing expectation that healthcare should focus on the needs of the individual patient with the philosophy of person-centred practice as the central model for care delivery. Given the importance of person-centred practice, the... Read More about Teaching person-centred practice in physiotherapy curricula: a literature review.

The use of a bespoke website developed for people with dementia and carers: Users’ experiences, perceptions and support needs (2021)
Journal Article
Wolverson, E., White, C., Dunn, R., Cunnah, K., Howe, D., Paulson, K., Platt, R., & Thorpe, J. (2022). The use of a bespoke website developed for people with dementia and carers: Users’ experiences, perceptions and support needs. Dementia, 21(1), 94-113.

Background: Current policy emphasises the role of digital technologies in facilitating the management of long-term conditions. While digital resources have been developed for carers, there has been little attention to their development for people wit... Read More about The use of a bespoke website developed for people with dementia and carers: Users’ experiences, perceptions and support needs.

Rapid realist review of the role of community pharmacy in the public health response to COVID-19 (2021)
Journal Article
Maidment, I., Young, E., MacPhee, M., Booth, A., Zaman, H., Breen, J., Hilton, A., Kelly, T., & Wong, G. (2021). Rapid realist review of the role of community pharmacy in the public health response to COVID-19. BMJ open, 11(6), Article e050043.

Introduction Community pharmacists and their teams have remained accessible to the public providing essential services despite immense pressures during the COVID-19 pandemic. They have successfully expanded the influenza vaccination programme and are... Read More about Rapid realist review of the role of community pharmacy in the public health response to COVID-19.

Incidence and impact of incivility in paramedicine: a qualitative study (2021)
Journal Article
Credland, N. J., & Whitfield, C. (in press). Incidence and impact of incivility in paramedicine: a qualitative study. Emergency Medicine Journal,

Background: Incivility or rudeness is a form of interpersonal aggression. Studies suggest that up to 90% of healthcare staff encounter incivility at work with it being considered 'part of the job'. Methods: Qualitative, in-depth, semistructured inter... Read More about Incidence and impact of incivility in paramedicine: a qualitative study.

Development and validity testing of a type 1 diabetes resource for 10-19-years old adolescents in China (2021)
Journal Article
Zhao, X., Hilton, A., Watson, R., & Chen, Y. (in press). Development and validity testing of a type 1 diabetes resource for 10-19-years old adolescents in China. Journal of Pediatric Nursing,

Purpose: This phase 1 study aimed to develop a Type 1 diabetes (T1DM) educational resource for adolescents (10–19 years) in China, and to test its validity for improving diabetes knowledge, self-efficacy and adherence. Design and methods: This phase... Read More about Development and validity testing of a type 1 diabetes resource for 10-19-years old adolescents in China.

aDolescents gEnder surVey, rEsponsible coupLes evaluatiOn, and capacity building Project in India (DEVELOP): a study protocol [version 2; peer review: 2 approved] (2021)
Journal Article
Ahankari, A., Hayter, M., Whitfield, C., Ali, P., Giridhari, S., Tambe, S., Kabra, P., Rayamane, K., & Ovseiko, P. (2021). aDolescents gEnder surVey, rEsponsible coupLes evaluatiOn, and capacity building Project in India (DEVELOP): a study protocol [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. F1000Research, 8, Article 958.

Domestic violence and assault (DVA) against women is a serious concern in India. This affects the health and wellbeing of victims and their dependents. Published evidence has documented a variety of reasons for such violence in Indian societies, pavi... Read More about aDolescents gEnder surVey, rEsponsible coupLes evaluatiOn, and capacity building Project in India (DEVELOP): a study protocol [version 2; peer review: 2 approved].