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How the Integration of Telehealth and Coordinated Care Approaches Impact Health Care Service Organization Structure and Ethos: Mixed Methods Study (2020)
Journal Article
Davidson, R., Barrett, D. I., Rixon, L., Newman, S., ACT Program, Bescos, C., Westerteicher, C., Pauws, S., Schonenberg, H., Natsiavas, P., Filos, D., Maramis, C., Chouvarda, I., Maglaveras, N., Nabb, S., Roca, J., Escarrabill, J., Moharra, M., Cleland, J., Hart, N., …Wahl, C. (2020). How the Integration of Telehealth and Coordinated Care Approaches Impact Health Care Service Organization Structure and Ethos: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Nursing, 3(1), Article e20282.

Background: Coordinated care and telehealth services have the potential to deliver quality care to chronically ill patients. They can both reduce the economic burden of chronic care and maximize the delivery of clinical services. Such services requir... Read More about How the Integration of Telehealth and Coordinated Care Approaches Impact Health Care Service Organization Structure and Ethos: Mixed Methods Study.