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Randomised controlled trial of sedation for colonoscopy: Entonox versus intravenous sedation (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Maslekar, S. K., Hughes, M., Skinn, E., Gardiner, A., Culbert, B., & Duthie, G. S. Randomised controlled trial of sedation for colonoscopy: Entonox versus intravenous sedation

Introduction: Intravenous sedation for colonoscopy is associated with cardio-respiratory complications, delayed recovery and prolonged drowsiness. We aimed to determine whether inhaled Entonox

Pharmaceutical care for elderly patients shared between community pharmacists and general practitioners: A randomised evaluation. RESPECT (Randomised Evaluation of Shared Prescribing for Elderly people in the Community over Time) [ISRCTN16932128] (2004)
Wong, I., Campion, P., Coulton, S., Cross, B., Edmondson, H., Farrin, A., Hill, G., Hilton, A., Philips, Z., Richmond, S., & Russell, I. (2004). Pharmaceutical care for elderly patients shared between community pharmacists and general practitioners: A randomised evaluation. RESPECT (Randomised Evaluation of Shared Prescribing for Elderly people in the Community over Time) [ISRCTN16932128]

Background: This trial aims to investigate the effectiveness and cost implications of 'pharmaceutical care' provided by community pharmacists to elderly patients in the community. As the UK government has proposed that by 2004 pharmaceutical care ser... Read More about Pharmaceutical care for elderly patients shared between community pharmacists and general practitioners: A randomised evaluation. RESPECT (Randomised Evaluation of Shared Prescribing for Elderly people in the Community over Time) [ISRCTN16932128].

Women who kill their abusive partners : an analysis of queer theory, social justice and the criminal law (2002)
Carline, A. Women who kill their abusive partners : an analysis of queer theory, social justice and the criminal law. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis examines the criminal law's treatment of women who kill their abusive partners through a theoretical framework developed from queer theory and social justice. More specifically, in relation to queer theory, the thesis considers the work o... Read More about Women who kill their abusive partners : an analysis of queer theory, social justice and the criminal law.

Women's reproductive lives as a symbolic resource in Central and Eastern Europe (2001)
Journal Article
Hockey, J., & Alsop, R. (2001). Women's reproductive lives as a symbolic resource in Central and Eastern Europe. European Journal of Women's Studies, 8(4), 454-471.

When Communism collapsed in Central and Eastern Europe women seemed to lose the control they had gained over their reproductive lives. Abortion rights became more limited as did access to childcare and maternity benefits. The authors argue that this... Read More about Women's reproductive lives as a symbolic resource in Central and Eastern Europe.