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Outputs (112)

Advancements in thermoelectric generators for enhanced hybrid photovoltaic system performance (2019)
Journal Article
Shittu, S., Li, G., Akhlaghi, Y. G., Ma, X., Zhao, X., & Ayodele, E. (2019). Advancements in thermoelectric generators for enhanced hybrid photovoltaic system performance. Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 109, 24-54.

Effective thermal management of photovoltaic cells is essential for improving its conversion efficiency and increasing its life span. Solar cell temperature and efficiency have an inverse relationship therefore, cooling of solar cells is a critical r... Read More about Advancements in thermoelectric generators for enhanced hybrid photovoltaic system performance.

The design, construction and experimental characterization of a novel concentrating photovoltaic/daylighting window for green building roof (2019)
Journal Article
Xuan, Q., Li, G., Lu, Y., Zhao, B., Zhao, X., & Pei, G. (2019). The design, construction and experimental characterization of a novel concentrating photovoltaic/daylighting window for green building roof. Energy, 175, 1138-1152.

A novel concentrating photovoltaic/daylighting window to achieve the multi-function of the electricity generation and daylighting for buildings has been designed, constructed and experimentally characterized. It’s found that the concentrating photovo... Read More about The design, construction and experimental characterization of a novel concentrating photovoltaic/daylighting window for green building roof.

High performance and thermal stress analysis of a segmented annular thermoelectric generator (2019)
Journal Article
Shittu, S., Li, G., Zhao, X., Ma, X., Akhlaghi, Y. G., & Ayodele, E. (2019). High performance and thermal stress analysis of a segmented annular thermoelectric generator. Energy Conversion and Management, 184, 180-193.

Annular thermoelectric generators can eliminate the thermal contact resistance formed due to geometry mismatch when flat-plate thermoelectric generators are used with round shaped heat source or heat sink. Therefore, in this study, the numerical simu... Read More about High performance and thermal stress analysis of a segmented annular thermoelectric generator.

Comparative analysis of thermoelectric elements optimum geometry between photovoltaic-thermoelectric and solar thermoelectric (2019)
Journal Article
Li, G., Shittu, S., Ma, X., & Zhao, X. (2019). Comparative analysis of thermoelectric elements optimum geometry between photovoltaic-thermoelectric and solar thermoelectric. Energy, 171, 599-610.

The optimization of the thermoelectric (TE) device geometry is one of the significant ways to improve its efficiency and power output. However, the complex relationship between the Photovoltaic and the thermoelectric device necessitates the need for... Read More about Comparative analysis of thermoelectric elements optimum geometry between photovoltaic-thermoelectric and solar thermoelectric.

Analytical and experimental study of an innovative multiple-throughout-flowing micro-channel-panels-array for a solar-powered rural house space heating system (2019)
Journal Article
Fan, Y., Zhao, X., Li, G., Cheng, Y., Zhou, J., Yu, M., Du, Z., Ji, J., Zhu, Z., Diallo, T., & Ma, X. (2019). Analytical and experimental study of an innovative multiple-throughout-flowing micro-channel-panels-array for a solar-powered rural house space heating system. Energy, 171, 566-580.

This paper presents a combined analytical and experimental study of an innovative multiple-throughout-flowing micro-channel-panels-array applicable to a solar-powered rural house space heating system. This array, compared to the traditional one-to-on... Read More about Analytical and experimental study of an innovative multiple-throughout-flowing micro-channel-panels-array for a solar-powered rural house space heating system.

Experimental and analytic study of a hybrid solar/biomass rural heating system (2019)
Journal Article
Zhang, X., Yang, J., Fan, Y., Zhao, X., Yan, R., Zhao, J., & Myers, S. (2019). Experimental and analytic study of a hybrid solar/biomass rural heating system. Energy, 116392.

© 2019 Elsevier Ltd This paper presents a dedicated analytic and experimental study of a hybrid solar/biomass space heating system incorporating a micro-channel solar thermal panels-array, a biomass boiler and a dedicated control algorithm. This syst... Read More about Experimental and analytic study of a hybrid solar/biomass rural heating system.

Geometry Effect on Photovoltaic-Thermoelectric Transient Performance (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Shittu, S., Li, G., Zhao, X., & Ma, X. (2019, August). Geometry Effect on Photovoltaic-Thermoelectric Transient Performance. Presented at International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE 2019), Västerås, Sweden

This paper presents a three-dimensional numerical investigation on the effect of thermoelectric geometry on hybrid photovoltaic-thermoelectric (PVTE) performance under varying weather conditions. Four thermoelectric (TE) geometries corresponding to f... Read More about Geometry Effect on Photovoltaic-Thermoelectric Transient Performance.

Frosting performance of a nanoporous hydrophilic aluminum surface (2018)
Journal Article
Yang, W., Zeng, B., Zhang, Y., He, S., & Zhao, X. (2018). Frosting performance of a nanoporous hydrophilic aluminum surface. Energies, 11(12), Article 3483.

© 2018 by the authors. As an efficient energy-saving piece of equipment, an air-source heat pump can not only reduce the energy consumption required for heating, but can also reduce the pollution from fossil consumption. However, when an air-source h... Read More about Frosting performance of a nanoporous hydrophilic aluminum surface.

Thermo-mechanical behavior assessment of smart wire connected and busbarPV modules during production, transportation, and subsequent field loading stages (2018)
Journal Article
Li, G., Akram, M., Jin, Y., Chen, X., Zhu, C., Ahmad, A., Arshad, R., & Zhao, X. (2019). Thermo-mechanical behavior assessment of smart wire connected and busbarPV modules during production, transportation, and subsequent field loading stages. Energy, 168, 931-945.

Thermo-mechanical loads induce stresses in photovoltaic (PV) modules, leading to crack formation. In this context, the understanding of module’s thermo-mechanical behavior is important. To investigate the thermo-mechanical behavior of smart wire conn... Read More about Thermo-mechanical behavior assessment of smart wire connected and busbarPV modules during production, transportation, and subsequent field loading stages.

Energy performance analysis of a novel solar PVT loop heat pipe employing a microchannel heat pipe evaporator and a PCM triple heat exchanger (2018)
Journal Article
Diallo, T. M., Yu, M., Zhou, J., Zhao, X., Shittu, S., Li, G., Ji, J., & Hardy, D. (2019). Energy performance analysis of a novel solar PVT loop heat pipe employing a microchannel heat pipe evaporator and a PCM triple heat exchanger. Energy, 167, 866-888.

This study presents a numerical analysis of the energy efficiency for a novel solar PVT Loop Heat Pipe (PVT-LHP) employing a novel Micro-channel evaporator and a novel PCM heat storage exchanger. It presents a description of the different sub-models... Read More about Energy performance analysis of a novel solar PVT loop heat pipe employing a microchannel heat pipe evaporator and a PCM triple heat exchanger.