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Outputs (48)

A directionally tunable but frequency-invariant beamformer on an acoustic velocity-sensor triad to enhance speech perception (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wu, Y. I., Wong, K. T., Yuan, X., Lau, S. K., & Tang, S. K. A directionally tunable but frequency-invariant beamformer on an acoustic velocity-sensor triad to enhance speech perception

Herein investigated are computationally simple microphone-array beamformers that are independent of the frequency-spectra of all signals, all interference, and all noises. These beamformers allow the listener to tune the desired azimuth-elevation "lo... Read More about A directionally tunable but frequency-invariant beamformer on an acoustic velocity-sensor triad to enhance speech perception.

Sound fields inside street canyons with inclined flanking building façades (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tang, S. K., & Piippo, K. E. Sound fields inside street canyons with inclined flanking building façades

Street canyons are common in modern cities. It is well known that the multiple sound reflections within the canyons tend to increase the noise levels inside the canyons. An scaled down model experiment was conducted in the present investigation to st... Read More about Sound fields inside street canyons with inclined flanking building façades.

Stereo visualization of 3D trabecular bone structures produced by bone remodelling simulation (2003)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Phillips, R., Grunchec, J. A., Ward, J. W., Fagan, M. J., Dobson, C. A., Langton, C. M., & Sisias, G. Stereo visualization of 3D trabecular bone structures produced by bone remodelling simulation

Adult human bone is constantly being renewed by a process known as remodelling. For cancellous bone this renewal process occurs at the interface between bone and marrow where bone is depleted by osteoclasts and rebuilt by osteoblasts. This remodellin... Read More about Stereo visualization of 3D trabecular bone structures produced by bone remodelling simulation.

Sustainable Palm Oil Supply Chains : Complexity, Custody and Contention
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Deutz, P., Jensen, P., & Whicker, L. Sustainable Palm Oil Supply Chains : Complexity, Custody and Contention

Paper delivered at the 21st Logistics Research Network annual conference 2016, 7th-9th September 2016, Hull. Abstract Purpose: The sustainability of oil palm cultivation is highly contentious. Demand for the product is strong, albeit with the market... Read More about Sustainable Palm Oil Supply Chains : Complexity, Custody and Contention.

Output feedback sliding mode FTC for a class of nonlinear inter-connected systems
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Patton, R. J., & Huang, Z. Output feedback sliding mode FTC for a class of nonlinear inter-connected systems. Paper presented at IFAC-PapersOnLine

This paper is concerned with the challenge of developing a fault-tolerant control (FTC) scheme for an inter-connected decentralised system in which the individual subsystems are linear but the inter-connections are non-linear functions of the subsyst... Read More about Output feedback sliding mode FTC for a class of nonlinear inter-connected systems.