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Outputs (22)

Addressing uncertainty during early stage frontier exploration: bringing regional context to basin modelling (2019)
Journal Article
Dowey, N., & Yallup, C. (2019). Addressing uncertainty during early stage frontier exploration: bringing regional context to basin modelling. First Break, 37(5), 75--79

During the early stages of exploration, uncertainties regarding the nature and presence of a petroleum system are significant. The potential risk on charge conditions is typically a key factor in frontier exploration; charge has been a common cause o... Read More about Addressing uncertainty during early stage frontier exploration: bringing regional context to basin modelling.

Bohai Basin: Past success and future potential in China's largest petroleum province (2018)
Jennings, J., & Dowey, N. (2018). Bohai Basin: Past success and future potential in China's largest petroleum province

The abundance and relative accessibility of data within a given basin have a significant influence upon the speed and ease with which informed exploration decisions are made. In the classification of Super Basins, these parameters are rarely consider... Read More about Bohai Basin: Past success and future potential in China's largest petroleum province.

Near-vent processes of the 273 ka Poris eruption (Tenerife) (2012)
Smith, N. Near-vent processes of the 273 ka Poris eruption (Tenerife). (Thesis).

Near-vent processes during caldera-forming explosive eruptions are poorly known, as are relations between proximal and counterpart distal ignimbrites. Consequently, understanding of the full course of these eruptions and how to analyse their deposits... Read More about Near-vent processes of the 273 ka Poris eruption (Tenerife).

Analysis of liquid resource play potential in China
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Smith, N. J., Evans, K. C., Robinson, L. J., & Cowley, L. A. (2014, August). Analysis of liquid resource play potential in China. Presented at Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA

The overwhelming impact of unconventional exploration in the United States of America has sparked global interest in the development of shale resource plays. In China, although shale gas exploration has been a key focus in the past five years, partic... Read More about Analysis of liquid resource play potential in China.