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Outputs (5)

Insights from easternmost Tethys: Slab rollback, mantle exhumation, and UHT metamorphism in Eastern Indonesia (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pownall, J., Hall, R., Forster, M., & Lister, G. (2018, April). Insights from easternmost Tethys: Slab rollback, mantle exhumation, and UHT metamorphism in Eastern Indonesia. Presented at 20th EGU General Assembly, EGU2018, Vienna, Austria

The collision of Australia with SE Asia around 23 million years ago marked the closure of the eastern Tethys. Continued convergence of these two continents has since resulted in a complex array of active subduction zones, young mountain belts, and ne... Read More about Insights from easternmost Tethys: Slab rollback, mantle exhumation, and UHT metamorphism in Eastern Indonesia.

A low-angle normal fault earthquake and tsunami: The 1852 Banda Sea Earthquake, Eastern Indonesia (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pownall, J., Pranantyo, I., Cummins, P., & Griffin, J. (2018, December). A low-angle normal fault earthquake and tsunami: The 1852 Banda Sea Earthquake, Eastern Indonesia. Presented at AGU Fall Meeting, Washington D C, USA

In November 1852, the Banda Islands, Eastern Indonesia suffered a devastating earthquake which was followed fifteen minutes later by a tsunami with up to eight meters height. Strong shaking was also felt on Ambon, Saparua, and Haruku Islands. The tsu... Read More about A low-angle normal fault earthquake and tsunami: The 1852 Banda Sea Earthquake, Eastern Indonesia.

Geological aspects of Banda Sea ecosystems and how they shape the oceanographical profile (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pownall, J. M., Hall, R., Lister, G. S., & Trihatmojo, A. Geological aspects of Banda Sea ecosystems and how they shape the oceanographical profile. Presented at International Symposium on Banda Sea Ecosystem (ISBSE) 2017, Jakarta, Indonesia

The Banda Sea is a collage of young oceanic basins and fragmented Australian continental crust located at the heart of the Australia–SE Asia collision zone where Australian and Asian biogeographic regions converge. The formation of the sea was govern... Read More about Geological aspects of Banda Sea ecosystems and how they shape the oceanographical profile.