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Intersex related gene expression profiles in clams Scrobicularia plana : molecular markers and environmental application

Ciocan, Corina M.; Langston, William J.; Hill, E. M.; Lerebours, Adelaide; Rotchell, Jeanette M.; Rotchell, Jeanette; Alvarez-Munoz, Diana; Ciocan, Corina; Cornelius, Keith; Cubero-Leon, Elena; Hill, Elizabeth; Indiveri, Paolo; Langston, William; Minier, Christophe; Pope, Nick


Corina M. Ciocan

William J. Langston

E. M. Hill

Adelaide Lerebours

Diana Alvarez-Munoz

Corina Ciocan

Keith Cornelius

Elena Cubero-Leon

Elizabeth Hill

Paolo Indiveri

William Langston

Christophe Minier

Nick Pope


Intersex, the appearance of female characteristics in male gonads, has been identified in several aquatic species. It is a widespread phenomenon in populations of the bivalve, Scrobicularia plana, from the southwest coast of the U.K. Genes previously identified as differentially expressed (ferritin, testicular haploid expressed gene, THEG, proliferating cell nuclear antigen, PCNA; receptor activated protein kinase C, RACK; cytochrome B, CYB; and cytochrome c oxidase 1, COX1) in intersex clams relative to normal male clams, were selected for characterisation and an environmental survey of the Channel region. Transcripts were significantly differentially expressed at sites with varying intersex incidence and contaminant burdens. Significant correlations between specific gene expressions, key contaminants and sampling locations have been identified, though no single gene was associated with intersex incidence. The results highlight the difficulty in understanding the intersex phenomenon in molluscs where there is still a lack of knowledge on the control of normal reproduction.


Langston, W. J., Ciocan, C. M., Hill, E. M., Lerebours, A., Rotchell, J. M., Rotchell, J., Alvarez-Munoz, D., Ciocan, C., Cornelius, K., Cubero-Leon, E., Hill, E., Indiveri, P., Langston, W., Minier, C., & Pope, N. (2015). Intersex related gene expression profiles in clams Scrobicularia plana : molecular markers and environmental application. Marine pollution bulletin, 95(2), 610-617.

Acceptance Date Feb 13, 2015
Online Publication Date Mar 5, 2015
Publication Date May 30, 2015
Deposit Date Mar 17, 2015
Publicly Available Date Mar 17, 2015
Journal Marine pollution bulletin
Print ISSN 0025-326X
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 95
Issue 2
Pages 610-617
Keywords Intersex; Clams; English Channel; Gene expression
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Authors' accepted manuscript of article published in: Marine pollution bulletin, 2015, v.95, issue 2.
Contract Date Mar 17, 2015


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