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Influence of case definition on incidence and outcome of acute coronary syndromes (2016)
Journal Article
Torabi, A., Cleland, J. G. F., Sherwi, N., Atkin, P., Panahi, H., Kilpatrick, E., Thackray, S., Hoye, A., Alamgir, F., Goode, K., Clark, A. L., & Rigby, A. (2016). Influence of case definition on incidence and outcome of acute coronary syndromes. Open heart, 3(2), e000487.

© 2016, BMJ Publishing Group. All rights reserved. Objective: Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) are common, but their incidence and outcome might depend greatly on how data are collected. We compared case ascertainment rates for ACS and myocardial infar... Read More about Influence of case definition on incidence and outcome of acute coronary syndromes.

STAAR: a randomised controlled trial of electronic adherence monitoring with reminder alarms and feedback to improve clinical outcomes for children with asthma (2016)
Journal Article
Morton, R. W., Elphick, H. E., Rigby, A. S., Daw, W. J., King, D. A., Smith, L. J., & Everard, M. L. (2017). STAAR: a randomised controlled trial of electronic adherence monitoring with reminder alarms and feedback to improve clinical outcomes for children with asthma. Thorax, 72(4), 347-354.

Background Suboptimal adherence to inhaled steroids is common in children with asthma and is associated with poor disease control, reduced quality of life and even death. Previous studies using feedback of electronically monitored adherence data have... Read More about STAAR: a randomised controlled trial of electronic adherence monitoring with reminder alarms and feedback to improve clinical outcomes for children with asthma.

Internet-based training of coronary artery patients: the Heart Cycle Trial (2016)
Journal Article
Skobel, E., Knackstedt, C., Martinez-Romero, A., Salvi, D., Vera-Munoz, C., Napp, A., Luprano, J., Bover, R., Glöggler, S., Bjarnason-Wehrens, B., Marx, N., Rigby, A., & Cleland, J. (2017). Internet-based training of coronary artery patients: the Heart Cycle Trial. Heart and vessels, 32(4), 408-418.

© 2016, Springer Japan. Low adherence to cardiac rehabilitation (CR) might be improved by remote monitoring systems that can be used to motivate and supervise patients and tailor CR safely and effectively to their needs. The main objective of this st... Read More about Internet-based training of coronary artery patients: the Heart Cycle Trial.

Soy reduces bone turnover markers in women during early menopause: a randomized controlled trial (2016)
Journal Article
Sathyapalan, T., Aye, M., Rigby, A. S., Fraser, W. D., Thatcher, N. J., Kilpatrick, E. S., & Atkin, S. L. (2017). Soy reduces bone turnover markers in women during early menopause: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 32(1), 157-164.

Menopausal estrogen loss leads to an increased bone loss. Soy isoflavones can act as selective estrogen receptor modulators, their role in bone turnover is unclear. The primary outcome was assessing changes in plasma bone turnover markers. The second... Read More about Soy reduces bone turnover markers in women during early menopause: a randomized controlled trial.

Prevalence and outcomes of anemia and hematinic deficiencies in patients with chronic heart failure (2016)
Journal Article
Cleland, J. G., Zhang, J., Pellicori, P., Dicken, B., Dierckx, R., Shoaib, A., Wong, K., Rigby, A., Goode, K., & Clark, A. L. (2016). Prevalence and outcomes of anemia and hematinic deficiencies in patients with chronic heart failure. JAMA Cardiology, 1(5), 539-547.

Copyright © 2016 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Importance: Detailed information on the prevalence, associations, and consequences of anemia and iron deficiency in epidemiologically representative outpatients with chronic heart fa... Read More about Prevalence and outcomes of anemia and hematinic deficiencies in patients with chronic heart failure.

Effect of age and sex on efficacy and tolerability of β blockers in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: individual patient data meta-analysis (2016)
Journal Article
Kotecha, D., Manzano, L., Krum, H., Rosano, G., Holmes, J., Altman, D. G., Collins, P. D., Packer, M., Wikstrand, J., Coats, A. J. S., Cleland, J. G. F., Kirchhof, P., von Lueder, T. G., Rigby, A. S., Andersson, B., Lip, G. Y., van Veldhuisen, D. J., Shibata, M. C., Wedel, H., Böhm, M., & Flather, M. D. (2016). Effect of age and sex on efficacy and tolerability of β blockers in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: individual patient data meta-analysis. BMJ, 353, i1855.

© BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2016. OBJECTIVES: To determine the efficacy and tolerability of β blockers in a broad age range of women and men with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) by pooling individual patient data from placebo cont... Read More about Effect of age and sex on efficacy and tolerability of β blockers in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: individual patient data meta-analysis.

Is the diagnostic coding position of acute heart failure related to mortality? A report from the Euro Heart Failure Survey-1 (2016)
Journal Article
Shoaib, A., Farag, M., Nasir, M., John, J., Gupta, S., Pellicori, P., Antony, R., Perveen, R., Rigby, A., Goode, K. M., Yassin, A., Clark, A. L., & Cleland, J. G. (2016). Is the diagnostic coding position of acute heart failure related to mortality? A report from the Euro Heart Failure Survey-1. European journal of heart failure, 18(5), 556-563.

© 2016 The Authors. European Journal of Heart Failure. Aims Most studies on acute heart failure (HF) exploring the relationship between admissions to hospital for HF and subsequent outcomes have focused only on HF coded as the primary diagnosis, but... Read More about Is the diagnostic coding position of acute heart failure related to mortality? A report from the Euro Heart Failure Survey-1.