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The Routledge companion to music, technology, and education (2017)
King, A. (2017). The Routledge companion to music, technology, and education. Routledge.

The Routledge Companion to Music, Technology, and Education is a comprehensive resource that draws together burgeoning research on the use of technology in music education around the world. Rather than following a procedural how-to approach, this com... Read More about The Routledge companion to music, technology, and education.

Music, technology, and education: Critical perspectives (2016)
King, A., & Himonides, E. (Eds.). (2016). Music, technology, and education: Critical perspectives. Routledge.

The use of technology in music and education can no longer be described as a recent development. Music learners actively engage with technology in their music making, regardless of the opportunities afforded to them in formal settings. This volume dr... Read More about Music, technology, and education: Critical perspectives.