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A new range-extending record of the invasive sea squirt S. clava in the north of Scotland (2020)
Journal Article
Want, A., & Kakkonen, {. E. (2021). A new range-extending record of the invasive sea squirt S. clava in the north of Scotland. Marine Biodiversity Records, 14, Article 15.

A new record of an individual of the invasive sea squirt, Styela clava, is reported from Scapa Flow in Orkney, Scotland. This represents a 1.54° latitudinal extension (168 km) from the previous northern-most record in UK waters. Diver surveys of hard... Read More about A new range-extending record of the invasive sea squirt S. clava in the north of Scotland.

Blue carbon audit of Orkney waters (2020)
Porter, J., Austin, W., Burrows, M., Clarke, D., Davies, G., Kamenos, N., Riegel, S., Smeaton, C., Page, C., & Want, A. (2020). Blue carbon audit of Orkney waters. Marine Scotland Science.

In May 2019, the Scottish Government declared a global climate emergency in response to climatic change linked to elevated CO2 levels in the atmosphere. The most obvious effects of climate change include increased atmospheric and sea surface temperat... Read More about Blue carbon audit of Orkney waters.

Genetic structure of amphi-Atlantic Laminaria digitata (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) reveals a unique range-edge gene pool and suggests post-glacial colonization of the NW Atlantic (2020)
Journal Article
Neiva, J., Serrão, {. A., Paulino, C., Gouveia, L., Want, A., Tamigneaux, Έ., Ballenghien, M., Mauger, S., Fouqueau, L., Engel-Gautier, C., Destombe, C., & Valero, M. (2020). Genetic structure of amphi-Atlantic Laminaria digitata (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) reveals a unique range-edge gene pool and suggests post-glacial colonization of the NW Atlantic. European Journal of Phycology, 55, 517--528.

In the North-east (NE) Atlantic, most intertidal fucoids and warm-temperate kelps show unique low-latitude gene pools matching long-term climatic refugia. For cold-temperate kelps data are scarcer despite their unique cultural, ecological and economi... Read More about Genetic structure of amphi-Atlantic Laminaria digitata (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) reveals a unique range-edge gene pool and suggests post-glacial colonization of the NW Atlantic.