Foul-weather friends: Modelling thermal stress mitigation by symbiotic endolithic microbes in a changing environment
Journal Article
Zardi, {. I., Monsinjon, {. R., McQuaid, {. D., Seuront, L., Orostica, M., Want, A., Firth, L. B., & Nicastro, K. R. (2021). Foul-weather friends: Modelling thermal stress mitigation by symbiotic endolithic microbes in a changing environment. Global change biology, 27, 2549--2560.
Temperature extremes are predicted to intensify with climate change. These extremes are rapidly emerging as a powerful driver of species distributional changes with the capacity to disrupt the functioning and provision of services of entire ecosystem... Read More about Foul-weather friends: Modelling thermal stress mitigation by symbiotic endolithic microbes in a changing environment.