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All Outputs (3)

Foul-weather friends: Modelling thermal stress mitigation by symbiotic endolithic microbes in a changing environment (2021)
Journal Article
Zardi, {. I., Monsinjon, {. R., McQuaid, {. D., Seuront, L., Orostica, M., Want, A., Firth, L. B., & Nicastro, K. R. (2021). Foul-weather friends: Modelling thermal stress mitigation by symbiotic endolithic microbes in a changing environment. Global change biology, 27, 2549--2560.

Temperature extremes are predicted to intensify with climate change. These extremes are rapidly emerging as a powerful driver of species distributional changes with the capacity to disrupt the functioning and provision of services of entire ecosystem... Read More about Foul-weather friends: Modelling thermal stress mitigation by symbiotic endolithic microbes in a changing environment.

Scapa 100: The Marine Life Legacy (2021)
Book Chapter
Porter, J., & Want, A. (2021). Scapa 100: The Marine Life Legacy. In M. Edmonds, & J. Park (Eds.), Scapa Flow Legacy : Orkney and the German High Seas Fleet (171--183). The Orcadian (Kirkwall Press)

Sea-trial verification of a novel system for monitoring biofouling and testing anti-fouling coatings in highly energetic environments targeted by the marine renewable energy industry (2021)
Journal Article
Want, A., Bell, {. C., Harris, {. E., Hull, {. Q., Long, {. R., & Porter, {. S. (2021). Sea-trial verification of a novel system for monitoring biofouling and testing anti-fouling coatings in highly energetic environments targeted by the marine renewable energy industry. Biofouling, 37(4), 433--451.

A novel system was developed to deploy settlement panels to monitor biofouling growth in situ and evaluate antifouling coatings at depths representative of operational conditions of full-scale marine renewable energy devices. Biofouling loading, spec... Read More about Sea-trial verification of a novel system for monitoring biofouling and testing anti-fouling coatings in highly energetic environments targeted by the marine renewable energy industry.