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Environmental influences on fish assemblage in the Venice Lagoon, Italy (2006)
Journal Article
Franco, A., Malavasi, S., Zucchetta, M., Franzoi, P., & Torricelli, P. (2006). Environmental influences on fish assemblage in the Venice Lagoon, Italy. Chemistry in ecology, 22(SUPPL. 1), S105-S118.

This study aimed to investigate the small fish assemblage in the Venice Lagoon shallow waters in relation to selected environmental variables, such as water-quality parameters, sediment grain-size variables, and habitat structure factors. Fish sampli... Read More about Environmental influences on fish assemblage in the Venice Lagoon, Italy.

Fish assemblages in different shallow water habitats of the Venice Lagoon (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Franco, A., Franzoi, P., Malavasi, S., Riccato, F., & Torricelli, P. Fish assemblages in different shallow water habitats of the Venice Lagoon

The small-sized fish assemblages of the Venice Lagoon were investigated and compared among five shallow subtidal habitats (seagrass beds, sparsely vegetated habitats, unvegetated sand bottoms, mudflats and saltmarsh creeks) in the Northern lagoon bas... Read More about Fish assemblages in different shallow water habitats of the Venice Lagoon.