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Age and reproductive investment in grass goby females in the Venice lagoon (2011)
Journal Article
Franco, A., Malavasi, S., Pranovi, F., Franzoi, P., & Torricelli, P. (2012). Age and reproductive investment in grass goby females in the Venice lagoon. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 93(3), 419-425.

The present work describes the relationship between age and reproductive investment in the grass goby females in the Venice Lagoon. Age was estimated by otoliths reading, while reproductive investment was assessed by either the relative number of mat... Read More about Age and reproductive investment in grass goby females in the Venice lagoon.

Population and habitat status of two endemic sand gobies in lagoon marshes - Implications for conservation (2011)
Journal Article
Franco, A., Franzoi, P., Malavasi, S., Zucchetta, M., & Torricelli, P. (2011). Population and habitat status of two endemic sand gobies in lagoon marshes - Implications for conservation. Estuarine, coastal and shelf science, 114, 31-40.

Ensuring biodiversity, through the conservation of natural habitats, such as wetlands, and of their wild flora and fauna, is the main objective of the Habitat and Species Directive 92/43/EC. Within this framework, two species of Community interest, P... Read More about Population and habitat status of two endemic sand gobies in lagoon marshes - Implications for conservation.

Assessment of fish assemblages in coastal lagoon habitats: Effect of sampling method (2011)
Journal Article
Franco, A., Pérez-Ruzafa, A., Drouineau, H., Franzoi, P., Koutrakis, E. T., Lepage, M., Verdiell-Cubedo, D., Bouchoucha, M., López-Capel, A., Riccato, F., Sapounidis, A., Marcos, C., Oliva-Paterna, F. J., Torralva-Forero, M., & Torricelli, P. (2012). Assessment of fish assemblages in coastal lagoon habitats: Effect of sampling method. Estuarine, coastal and shelf science, 112, 115-125.

The structure of fish assemblages accounted for by different sampling methods (namely fyke net, seine nets, visual census) applied to vegetated and unvegetated lagoon habitats was investigated in terms of species composition, functional groups (ecolo... Read More about Assessment of fish assemblages in coastal lagoon habitats: Effect of sampling method.