Linking food web functioning and habitat diversity for an ecosystem based management: A Mediterranean lagoon case-study
Journal Article
Brigolin, D., Facca, C., Franco, A., Franzoi, P., Pastres, R., Sfriso, A., Sigovini, M., Soldatini, C., Tagliapietra, D., Torricelli, P., Zucchetta, M., & Pranovi, F. (2014). Linking food web functioning and habitat diversity for an ecosystem based management: A Mediterranean lagoon case-study. Marine environmental research, 97, 58-66.
We propose a modelling approach relating the functioning of a transitional ecosystem with the spatial extension of its habitats. A test case is presented for the lagoon of Venice, discussing the results in the context of the application of current EU... Read More about Linking food web functioning and habitat diversity for an ecosystem based management: A Mediterranean lagoon case-study.