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All Outputs (9)

A Novel Robust Low-rank Multi-view Diversity Optimization Model with Adaptive-Weighting Based Manifold Learning (2021)
Journal Article
Tan, J., Yang, Z., Ren, J., Wang, B., Cheng, Y., & Ling, W. K. (2022). A Novel Robust Low-rank Multi-view Diversity Optimization Model with Adaptive-Weighting Based Manifold Learning. Pattern Recognition, 122, Article 108298.

Multi-view clustering has become a hot yet challenging topic, due mainly to the independence of and information complementarity between different views. Although good results are achieved to a certain extent from typical methods including multi-view... Read More about A Novel Robust Low-rank Multi-view Diversity Optimization Model with Adaptive-Weighting Based Manifold Learning.

Health data driven on continuous blood pressure prediction based on gradient boosting decision tree algorithm (2019)
Journal Article
Zhang, B., Ren, J., Wang, B., Cheng, Y., & Wei, Z. (2019). Health data driven on continuous blood pressure prediction based on gradient boosting decision tree algorithm. IEEE Access, 7, 32423-32433.

Diseases related to issues with blood pressure are becoming a major threat to human health. With the development of telemedicine monitoring applications, a growing number of corresponding devices are being marketed, such as the use of remote monitori... Read More about Health data driven on continuous blood pressure prediction based on gradient boosting decision tree algorithm.

An adaptive ensemble approach to ambient intelligence assisted people search (2018)
Journal Article
Xue, D., Wang, X., Zhu, J., Davis, D. N., Wang, B., Zhao, W., Peng, Y., & Cheng, Y. (2018). An adaptive ensemble approach to ambient intelligence assisted people search. Applied System Innovation, 1(3), 1-18.

Some machine learning algorithms have shown a better overall recognition rate for facial recognition than humans, provided that the models are trained with massive image databases of human faces. However, it is still a challenge to use existing algor... Read More about An adaptive ensemble approach to ambient intelligence assisted people search.

Prior knowledge-based deep learning method for indoor object recognition and application (2018)
Journal Article
Ding, X., Luo, Y., Li, Q., Cheng, Y., Cai, G., Munnoch, R., Xue, D., Yu, Q., Zheng, X., & Wang, B. (2018). Prior knowledge-based deep learning method for indoor object recognition and application. Systems Science and Control Engineering, 6(1), 249-257.

Indoor object recognition is a key task for indoor navigation by mobile robots. Although previous work has produced impressive results in recognizing known and familiar objects, the research of indoor object recognition for robot is still insufficien... Read More about Prior knowledge-based deep learning method for indoor object recognition and application.

An evaluation of the scanning electron microscope mirror effect to study viscoelastically prestressed polymeric matrix composites (2017)
Journal Article
Ge, C., Wang, B., & Fancey, K. S. (2017). An evaluation of the scanning electron microscope mirror effect to study viscoelastically prestressed polymeric matrix composites. Materials Today Communications, 12, 79-87.

A viscoelastically prestressed polymeric matrix composite (VPPMC) is produced by applying tensile creep to polymeric fibres, the creep load being removed before the fibres are moulded into a resin matrix. Following matrix curing, the viscoelastically... Read More about An evaluation of the scanning electron microscope mirror effect to study viscoelastically prestressed polymeric matrix composites.

Towards optimisation of load-time conditions for producing viscoelastically prestressed polymeric matrix composites (2015)
Journal Article
Fancey, K. S., & Wang, B. (2016). Towards optimisation of load-time conditions for producing viscoelastically prestressed polymeric matrix composites. Composites. Part B, Engineering, 87, 336-342.

A viscoelastically prestressed polymeric matrix composite (VPPMC) is produced by applying a tensile creep load to polymeric fibres, the load being released before the fibres are moulded into a polymeric matrix. The viscoelastically recovering fibres... Read More about Towards optimisation of load-time conditions for producing viscoelastically prestressed polymeric matrix composites.

Formal framework of XML document schema design (2012)
Journal Article
Wang, B., & Zainol, Z. (2012). Formal framework of XML document schema design. International Journal of Information Retrieval Research, 2(1), 21-64.

Designing “good” XML documents is a very difficult task for a database designer. Although many theories for XML database design have proposed, none of commercial design tool for XML document design has been developed to assist the XML document design... Read More about Formal framework of XML document schema design.

XML Documents Normalization Using GN-DTD (2011)
Journal Article
Zainol, Z., & Wang, B. (2011). XML Documents Normalization Using GN-DTD. International Journal of Information Retrieval Research, 1(1), 53-76.

Designing a well-structured XML document is important for the sake of readability, maintainability and more importantly to avoid both data redundancies and update anomalies. This paper proposes to improve and simplify XML structural design using a no... Read More about XML Documents Normalization Using GN-DTD.

A plant documentation information system design (2010)
Journal Article
Wang, B., & Feicheng, M. (2010). A plant documentation information system design. International journal of computer science & information technology, 2(5), 134-148.

Traditional systems do not have the descriptive ability to represent the complex, multi-faceted nature of complex documentation structures such as engineering systems descriptions. This has led to significant information management difficulties in ma... Read More about A plant documentation information system design.