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All Outputs (4)

Modelling differential geomorphic effectiveness in neighbouring upland catchments: implications for sediment and flood risk management in a wetter world (2021)
Journal Article
Milan, D. J. (2021). Modelling differential geomorphic effectiveness in neighbouring upland catchments: implications for sediment and flood risk management in a wetter world. Progress in physical geography,

In July 2007 an intense summer storm resulted in significant activation of the sediment system in the Thinhope Burn, UK. Catchment- and reach-scale morphodynamic modelling is used to investigate the geomorphic work undertaken by Thinhope Burn; compar... Read More about Modelling differential geomorphic effectiveness in neighbouring upland catchments: implications for sediment and flood risk management in a wetter world.

Climate‐change driven increased flood magnitudes and frequency in the British uplands: geomorphologically informed scientific underpinning for upland flood‐risk management (2021)
Journal Article
Milan, D. J., & Schwendel, A. C. (2021). Climate‐change driven increased flood magnitudes and frequency in the British uplands: geomorphologically informed scientific underpinning for upland flood‐risk management. Earth surface processes and landforms : the journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group,

Upland river systems in the UK are predicted to be prone to the effects of increased flood magnitudes and frequency, driven by climate change. It is clear from recent events that some headwater catchments can be very sensitive to large floods, activa... Read More about Climate‐change driven increased flood magnitudes and frequency in the British uplands: geomorphologically informed scientific underpinning for upland flood‐risk management.

Geomorphological numerical modelling of woody dams in CAESAR-Lisflood (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wolstenholme, J., Skinner, C., Milan, D., & Parsons, D. (2021, April). Geomorphological numerical modelling of woody dams in CAESAR-Lisflood. Poster presented at EGU General Assembly 2021 (European Geosciences Union), vEGU21: Gather Online

Natural flood management (NFM) promotes the sustainable enhancement of natural fluvial processes to reduce flooding (SEPA, 2015; Wilkinson et al., 2019), and is increasingly popular for use by community groups, contractors and governments (Kay et al.... Read More about Geomorphological numerical modelling of woody dams in CAESAR-Lisflood.