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Feasibility and acceptability evaluation of the PRIDE (Promoting Independence in Dementia) intervention for living well with dementia (2020)
Journal Article
Csipke, E., Moniz-Cook, E., Leung, P., Yates, L., Birt, L., Walton, H., Hogervorst, E., Mountain, G., Charlesworth, G., & Orrell, M. (2020). Feasibility and acceptability evaluation of the PRIDE (Promoting Independence in Dementia) intervention for living well with dementia. International Psychogeriatrics, 33(Special Issue 6), 601 - 614.

Objectives: Post-diagnostic psychosocial interventions could play an important role in supporting people with mild dementia remain independent. The PRIDE intervention was developed to address this.
Method: The mixed methods non-randomised, pre-pos... Read More about Feasibility and acceptability evaluation of the PRIDE (Promoting Independence in Dementia) intervention for living well with dementia.

Improving mental health and reducing antipsychotic use in people with dementia in care homes: the WHELD research programme including two RCTs (2020)
Journal Article
Ballard, C., Orrell, M., Moniz-Cook, E., Woods, R., Whitaker, R., Corbett, A., Aarsland, D., Murray, J., Lawrence, V., Testad, I., Knapp, M., Romeo, R., Zala, D., Stafford, J., Hoare, Z., Garrod, L., Sun, Y., McLaughlin, E., Woodward-Carlton, B., Williams, G., & Fossey, J. (2020). Improving mental health and reducing antipsychotic use in people with dementia in care homes: the WHELD research programme including two RCTs. Programme Grants for Applied Research, 8(6), 1-98.

Background: The effective management of agitation and other neuropsychiatric and behavioural symptoms in people with dementia is a major challenge, particularly in care home settings, where dementia severity is higher and there is limited training an... Read More about Improving mental health and reducing antipsychotic use in people with dementia in care homes: the WHELD research programme including two RCTs.

Measuring the well-being of people with dementia : a conceptual scoping review (2020)
Journal Article
Clarke, C., Woods, B., Moniz-Cook, E., Mountain, G., Øksnebjerg, L., Chattat, R., Diaz, A., Gove, D., Vernooij-Dassen, M., & Wolverson, E. (in press). Measuring the well-being of people with dementia : a conceptual scoping review. Health and quality of life outcomes, 18(1), Article 249.

Background: Enabling people with dementia to ‘live well’ is a policy and research priority in many countries. However, instruments for measuring outcomes of psychosocial interventions designed to promote well-being in dementia are often derived from... Read More about Measuring the well-being of people with dementia : a conceptual scoping review.

INTERDEM network celebrates 20 years (2020)
Journal Article
Vernooij-Dassen, M., Moniz-Cook, E., & Chattat, R. (2020). INTERDEM network celebrates 20 years. Dementia in Europe, 32, 10-12

Myrra Vernooij-Dassen, INTERDEM Chair, Esme Moniz-Cook,
Co-chair and Rabih Chattat, Board member highlight some of
the network’s key achievements of the past 20 years.

Promoting Independence in Dementia (PRIDE): Protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial (2019)
Journal Article
Shafayat, A., Csipke, E., Bradshaw, L., Charlesworth, G., Day, F., Leung, P., Moniz-Cook, E., Montgomery, A. A., Morris, S., Mountain, G., Ogollah, R., Sprange, K., Yates, L., & Orrell, M. (2019). Promoting Independence in Dementia (PRIDE): Protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial. Trials, 20, Article 709.

© 2019 The Author(s).
Background: Memory services often see people with early stage dementia who are largely independent and able to participate in community activities but who run the risk of reducing activities and social networks. PRIDE is a sel... Read More about Promoting Independence in Dementia (PRIDE): Protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial.

Bridging the divide between biomedical and psychosocial approaches in dementia research: the 2019 INTERDEM Manifesto (2019)
Journal Article
Vernooij-Dassen, M., Moniz-Cook, E., Verhey, F., Chattat, R., Woods, B., Meiland, F., Franco, M., Holmerova, I., Orrell, M., & de Vugt, M. (2021). Bridging the divide between biomedical and psychosocial approaches in dementia research: the 2019 INTERDEM Manifesto. Aging and Mental Health, 25(2), 206-212.

Objective: To provide a new perspective on integrated biomedical and psychosocial dementia research.

Background: Dementia is being recognized as a multifactorial syndrome, but there is little interaction between biomedical and psychosocial approac... Read More about Bridging the divide between biomedical and psychosocial approaches in dementia research: the 2019 INTERDEM Manifesto.

Evaluating interventions for Behaviours that Challenge (BtC) in dementia care - what instruments do specialist practitioners working in the UK use? (2019)
Journal Article
Dunn, R., & Moniz-Cook, E. (2019). Evaluating interventions for Behaviours that Challenge (BtC) in dementia care - what instruments do specialist practitioners working in the UK use?. FPOP Bulletin, 148, 51-61

Written feedback was examined from participants who attended the February 2019 consultation. This informed the 35-item online survey that followed (May-June 2019). One item questioned practice on instruments used by specialist BtC practitioners to ev... Read More about Evaluating interventions for Behaviours that Challenge (BtC) in dementia care - what instruments do specialist practitioners working in the UK use?.

Naming and Framing the Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) Paradigm: Professional Stakeholder Perspectives (2019)
Journal Article
Wolverson, E., Birtles, H., Moniz-Cook, E., James, I., Brooker, D., & Duffy, F. (2019). Naming and Framing the Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) Paradigm: Professional Stakeholder Perspectives. OBM geriatrics, 3(4), 1-19.

Background: Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia and Challenging Behaviour in dementia are just two of a variety of terms for a complex paradigm that covers the most distressing and costly aspects of the condition. The terminology used... Read More about Naming and Framing the Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) Paradigm: Professional Stakeholder Perspectives.

Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial assessing the clinical and cost-effectiveness of the Journeying through Dementia (JtD) intervention compared to usual care (2019)
Journal Article
Wright, J., Foster, A., Cooper, C., Sprange, K., Walters, S., Berry, K., Moniz-Cook, E., Loban, A., Young, T. A., Craig, C., Dening, T., Lee, E., Beresford-Dent, J., Thompson, B. J., Young, E., Thomas, B. D., & Mountain, G. (2019). Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial assessing the clinical and cost-effectiveness of the Journeying through Dementia (JtD) intervention compared to usual care. BMJ open, 9(9), Article e029207.

Services are being encouraged to provide postdiagnostic treatment to those with dementia but the availability of evidence-based interventions following diagnosis has not kept pace with increase in demand. To address this need, the Jour... Read More about Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial assessing the clinical and cost-effectiveness of the Journeying through Dementia (JtD) intervention compared to usual care.

The development of the Promoting Independence in Dementia (PRIDE) intervention to enhance independence in dementia (2019)
Journal Article
Yates, L., Csipke, E., Moniz-Cook, E., Leung, P., Walton, H., Charlesworth, G., Spector, A., Hogervorst, E., Mountain, G., & Orrell, M. (2019). The development of the Promoting Independence in Dementia (PRIDE) intervention to enhance independence in dementia. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 14, 1615-1630.

© 2019 Yates et al. Objective: Support after a diagnosis of dementia may facilitate better adjustment and ongoing management of symptoms. The aim of the Promoting Independence in Dementia (PRIDE) study was to develop a postdiagnostic social intervent... Read More about The development of the Promoting Independence in Dementia (PRIDE) intervention to enhance independence in dementia.

Psychosocial Approaches to Behaviours that Challenge Care (2019)
Book Chapter
Moniz-Cook, E. (2019). Psychosocial Approaches to Behaviours that Challenge Care. In K. Harrison Dening (Ed.), Evidence-Based Practice in Dementia for Nurses and Nursing Students. Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Translation and linguistic validation of the German Challenging Behaviour Scale for formal caregivers of people with dementia in nursing homes (2018)
Journal Article
Köller, L., Holle, D., Köller, L., Moniz-Cook, E., & Halek, M. (2018). Translation and linguistic validation of the German Challenging Behaviour Scale for formal caregivers of people with dementia in nursing homes. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 26(3), 544-565.

© 2018 Springer Publishing Company. Background and Purpose: The Challenging Behavior Scale (CBS) measures the behavior of individuals with dementia. The study aims to translate the English CBS into German (CBS-G) and test its linguistic validity. Met... Read More about Translation and linguistic validation of the German Challenging Behaviour Scale for formal caregivers of people with dementia in nursing homes.

Using meta-ethnography to synthesise relevant studies : Capturing the bigger picture in dementia with challenging behaviour within families (2018)
Digital Artefact
Feast, A., Orrell, M., Charlesworth, G., Poland, F., Featherstone, K., Melunsky, N., & Moniz-Cook, E. (2018). Using meta-ethnography to synthesise relevant studies : Capturing the bigger picture in dementia with challenging behaviour within families. [HTML]

Abstract In understanding the range and depth of people’s experiences it is important to include the wide range of approaches which capture the richness within a given knowledge base. However, systematic reviews using quantitative data alone risk mis... Read More about Using meta-ethnography to synthesise relevant studies : Capturing the bigger picture in dementia with challenging behaviour within families.

Promoting independence in dementia: protocol for a feasibility trial of the PRIDE intervention for living well with dementia (2018)
Journal Article
Csipke, E., Yates, L., Cook, E. M., Leung, P., Charlesworth, G., Walton, H., Birt, L., & Orrell, M. (2018). Promoting independence in dementia: protocol for a feasibility trial of the PRIDE intervention for living well with dementia. International Journal of Clinical Trials, 5(4), 177-185.

INTRODUCTION In the UK over 800,000 older people have dementia, which can lead to social exclusion, loss of identity and independence due to deterioration in cognition, activities of daily living, the double stigma of age and dementia, and the reduce... Read More about Promoting independence in dementia: protocol for a feasibility trial of the PRIDE intervention for living well with dementia.

Implementing e-learning and e-tools for care home staff supporting residents with dementia and challenging behaviour: A process evaluation of the ResCare study using normalisation process theory (2018)
Journal Article
Poland, F., Keenan, J., Manthorpe, J., Hart, C., & Moniz-Cook, E. (2020). Implementing e-learning and e-tools for care home staff supporting residents with dementia and challenging behaviour: A process evaluation of the ResCare study using normalisation process theory. Dementia, 19(5), 1604-1620.

© The Author(s) 2018. Dementia-related symptoms, sometimes termed challenging or distressing behaviour, can give rise to significant distress in care homes. Individualised formulation-led interventions show promise in reducing these behaviours. ResCa... Read More about Implementing e-learning and e-tools for care home staff supporting residents with dementia and challenging behaviour: A process evaluation of the ResCare study using normalisation process theory.

Towards capturing meaningful outcomes for people with dementia in psychosocial intervention research: A pan-European consultation (2018)
Journal Article
Øksnebjerg, L., Diaz-Ponce, A., Gove, D., Moniz-Cook, E., Mountain, G., Chattat, R., & Woods, B. (2018). Towards capturing meaningful outcomes for people with dementia in psychosocial intervention research: A pan-European consultation. Health Expectations, 21(6), 1056-1065.

Background: People with dementia are often marginalized and excluded from influence, also in relation to dementia research. There is, however, a growing requirement for inclusion through Patient and Public Involvement (PPI), but there is still limite... Read More about Towards capturing meaningful outcomes for people with dementia in psychosocial intervention research: A pan-European consultation.

Evidence Briefing: Behaviour that challenges in dementia (2018)
James, I. A., & Moniz-Cook, E. (2018). Evidence Briefing: Behaviour that challenges in dementia. Leicester, UK: British Psychological Society

Key messages
• Behaviour that challenges (BtC) can be a consequence of a person’s unmet health or psychosocial need(s).
• ‘Non-pharmacological’ approaches are the first-line treatments, rather than psychotropic medications.
• Service pathways for p... Read More about Evidence Briefing: Behaviour that challenges in dementia.