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BIOlogical Factors that Limit sustAined Remission in rhEumatoid arthritis (the BIO-FLARE study): protocol for a non-randomised longitudinal cohort study (2021)
Journal Article
Rayner, F., Anderson, A. E., Baker, K. F., Buckley, C. D., Dyke, B., Fenton, S., Filer, A., Goodyear, C. S., Hilkens, C. M., Hiu, S., Kerrigan, S., Kurowska-Stolarska, M., Matthews, F., McInnes, I., Ng, W. F., Pratt, A. G., Prichard, J., Raza, K., Siebert, S., Stocken, D., …Isaacs, J. D. (2021). BIOlogical Factors that Limit sustAined Remission in rhEumatoid arthritis (the BIO-FLARE study): protocol for a non-randomised longitudinal cohort study. BMC Rheumatology, 5(1), Article 22.

Background: Our knowledge of immune-mediated inflammatory disease (IMID) aetiology and pathogenesis has improved greatly over recent years, however, very little is known of the factors that trigger disease relapses (flares), converting diseases from... Read More about BIOlogical Factors that Limit sustAined Remission in rhEumatoid arthritis (the BIO-FLARE study): protocol for a non-randomised longitudinal cohort study.

Developing and evaluating a frailty index for older South Africans - Findings from the HAALSI study (2021)
Journal Article
Barker, F. J., Davies, J. I., Xavier Gomez-Olive, F., Kahn, K., Matthews, F. E., Payne, C. F., Salomon, J. A., Tollman, S. M., Wade, A. N., Walker, R. W., & Witham, M. D. (2021). Developing and evaluating a frailty index for older South Africans - Findings from the HAALSI study. Age and ageing, 50(6), 2167-2173.

Background: despite rapid population ageing, few studies have investigated frailty in older people in sub-Saharan Africa. We tested a cumulative deficit frailty index in a population of older people from rural South Africa. Methods: analysis of cross... Read More about Developing and evaluating a frailty index for older South Africans - Findings from the HAALSI study.

Quantitative checklist for autism in toddlers (Q-CHAT). A population screening study with follow-up: The case for multiple time-point screening for autism (2021)
Journal Article
Allison, C., Matthews, F. E., Ruta, L., Pasco, G., Soufer, R., Brayne, C., Charman, T., & Baron-Cohen, S. (2021). Quantitative checklist for autism in toddlers (Q-CHAT). A population screening study with follow-up: The case for multiple time-point screening for autism. BMJ Paediatrics Open, 5(1), Article e000700.

Objective This is a prospective population screening study for autism in toddlers aged 18-30 months old using the Quantitative Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (Q-CHAT), with follow-up at age 4. Design Observational study. Setting Luton, Bedfordshire... Read More about Quantitative checklist for autism in toddlers (Q-CHAT). A population screening study with follow-up: The case for multiple time-point screening for autism.

Hospitalisation without delirium is not associated with cognitive decline in a population-based sample of older people-results from a nested, longitudinal cohort study (2021)
Journal Article
Richardson, S. J., Lawson, R., Davis, D. H., Stephan, B. C., Robinson, L., Matthews, F. E., Brayne, C., Barnes, L. E., Taylor, J. P., Parker, S. G., & Allan, L. M. (2021). Hospitalisation without delirium is not associated with cognitive decline in a population-based sample of older people-results from a nested, longitudinal cohort study. Age and ageing, 50(5), 1675-1681.

Background: Acute hospitalisation and delirium have individually been shown to adversely affect trajectories of cognitive decline but have not previously been considered together. This work aimed to explore the impact on cognition of hospital admissi... Read More about Hospitalisation without delirium is not associated with cognitive decline in a population-based sample of older people-results from a nested, longitudinal cohort study.

Progression to Dementia in Mild Cognitive Impairment with Lewy Bodies or Alzheimer Disease (2021)
Journal Article
Hamilton, C. A., Matthews, F. E., Donaghy, P. C., Taylor, J. P., O'Brien, J. T., Barnett, N., Olsen, K., Durcan, R., Roberts, G., Ciafone, J., Barker, S. A., Firbank, M., McKeith, I. G., & Thomas, A. J. (2021). Progression to Dementia in Mild Cognitive Impairment with Lewy Bodies or Alzheimer Disease. Neurology, 96(22), E2685-E2693.

ObjectiveTo determine whether mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies or mild cognitive impairment with Alzheimer disease differ in their rates of clinical progression to dementia, we undertook longitudinal observation of mild cognitive impairment... Read More about Progression to Dementia in Mild Cognitive Impairment with Lewy Bodies or Alzheimer Disease.

Association of Race/Ethnicity and Social Disadvantage with Autism Prevalence in 7 Million School Children in England (2021)
Journal Article
Roman-Urrestarazu, A., Van Kessel, R., Allison, C., Matthews, F. E., Brayne, C., & Baron-Cohen, S. (2021). Association of Race/Ethnicity and Social Disadvantage with Autism Prevalence in 7 Million School Children in England. JAMA Pediatrics, 175(6),

Importance: The global prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has been reported to be between 1% and 2% of the population, with little research in Black, Asian, and other racial/ethnic minority groups. Accurate estimates of ASD prevalence are v... Read More about Association of Race/Ethnicity and Social Disadvantage with Autism Prevalence in 7 Million School Children in England.

Utility of the pareidolia test in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer's disease (2021)
Journal Article
Hamilton, C. A., Matthews, F. E., Allan, L. M., Barker, S., Ciafone, J., Donaghy, P. C., Durcan, R., Firbank, M. J., Lawley, S., O'Brien, J. T., Roberts, G., Taylor, J. P., & Thomas, A. J. (2021). Utility of the pareidolia test in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer's disease. International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 36(9), 1407-1414.

Objectives: Previous research has identified that dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) has abnormal pareidolic responses which are associated with severity of visual hallucinations (VH), and the pareidolia test accurately classifies DLB with VH. We aimed... Read More about Utility of the pareidolia test in mild cognitive impairment with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer's disease.

Trends in life expectancy and healthy life years at birth and age 65 in the UK, 2008–2016, and other countries of the EU28: An observational cross-sectional study (2021)
Journal Article
Welsh, C. E., Matthews, F. E., & Jagger, C. (2021). Trends in life expectancy and healthy life years at birth and age 65 in the UK, 2008–2016, and other countries of the EU28: An observational cross-sectional study. The Lancet Regional Health Europe, 2, Article 100023.

Background: As society ages, promoting the health of the extra years of life is of paramount importance for health, social care and pension provision. Increases in life expectancy in the UK and elsewhere have slowed in recent years, but the reasons f... Read More about Trends in life expectancy and healthy life years at birth and age 65 in the UK, 2008–2016, and other countries of the EU28: An observational cross-sectional study.

Perceived and objective availability of green and blue spaces and quality of life in people with dementia: results from the IDEAL programme (2021)
Journal Article
Wu, Y. T., Clare, L., Jones, I. R., Nelis, S. M., Quinn, C., Martyr, A., Victor, C. R., Lamont, R. A., Rippon, I., & Matthews, F. E. (2021). Perceived and objective availability of green and blue spaces and quality of life in people with dementia: results from the IDEAL programme. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 56(9), 1601-1610.

Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the associations between quality of life and both perceived and objective availability of local green and blue spaces in people with dementia, including potential variation across rural/urban settings... Read More about Perceived and objective availability of green and blue spaces and quality of life in people with dementia: results from the IDEAL programme.

Prevalence and factors associated with poor performance in the 5-chair stand test: findings from the Cognitive Function and Ageing Study II and proposed Newcastle protocol for use in the assessment of sarcopenia (2021)
Journal Article
Dodds, R. M., Murray, J. C., Granic, A., Hurst, C., Uwimpuhwe, G., Richardson, S., Brayne, C., Matthews, F. E., Sayer, A. A., Arthur, A., Baldwin, C., Barnes, L. E., Comas-Herrera, A., Dening, T., Forster, G., Harrison, S., Ince, P. G., Jagger, C., McKeith, I. G., Parry, B., …Woods, B. (2021). Prevalence and factors associated with poor performance in the 5-chair stand test: findings from the Cognitive Function and Ageing Study II and proposed Newcastle protocol for use in the assessment of sarcopenia. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 12(2), 308-318.

Background: Poor performance in the 5-chair stand test (5-CST) indicates reduced lower limb muscle strength. The 5-CST has been recommended for use in the initial assessment of sarcopenia, the accelerated loss of muscle strength and mass. In order to... Read More about Prevalence and factors associated with poor performance in the 5-chair stand test: findings from the Cognitive Function and Ageing Study II and proposed Newcastle protocol for use in the assessment of sarcopenia.

Healthy ageing for all? Comparisons of socioeconomic inequalities in health expectancies over two decades in the Cognitive Function and Ageing Studies I and II (2021)
Journal Article
Bennett, H. Q., Kingston, A., Spiers, G., Robinson, L., Corner, L., Bambra, C., Brayne, C., Matthews, F. E., & Jagger, C. (2021). Healthy ageing for all? Comparisons of socioeconomic inequalities in health expectancies over two decades in the Cognitive Function and Ageing Studies I and II. International Journal of Epidemiology, 50(3), 841-851.

Background: Despite increasing life expectancy (LE), cross-sectional data show widening inequalities in disability-free LE (DFLE) by socioeconomic status (SES) in many countries. We use longitudinal data to better understand trends in DFLE and years... Read More about Healthy ageing for all? Comparisons of socioeconomic inequalities in health expectancies over two decades in the Cognitive Function and Ageing Studies I and II.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus-associated transcriptome alterations in cortical neurones and associated neurovascular unit cells in the ageing brain (2021)
Journal Article
Bury, J. J., Chambers, A., Heath, P. R., Ince, P. G., Shaw, P. J., Matthews, F. E., Brayne, C., Simpson, J. E., & Wharton, S. B. (2021). Type 2 diabetes mellitus-associated transcriptome alterations in cortical neurones and associated neurovascular unit cells in the ageing brain. Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 9(1), Article 5.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D), characterised by peripheral insulin resistance, is a risk factor for dementia. In addition to its contribution to small and large vessel disease, T2D may directly damage cells of the brain neurovascular unit. In this s... Read More about Type 2 diabetes mellitus-associated transcriptome alterations in cortical neurones and associated neurovascular unit cells in the ageing brain.

Current and future prevalence estimates of mild cognitive impairment, dementia, and its subtypes in a population-based sample of people 70 years and older in Norway: The HUNT study (2021)
Journal Article
Gjøra, L., Strand, B. H., Bergh, S., Borza, T., Brækhus, A., Engedal, K., Johannessen, A., Kvello-Alme, M., Krokstad, S., Livingston, G., Matthews, F. E., Myrstad, C., Skjellegrind, H., Thingstad, P., Aakhus, E., Aam, S., & Selbæk, G. (2021). Current and future prevalence estimates of mild cognitive impairment, dementia, and its subtypes in a population-based sample of people 70 years and older in Norway: The HUNT study. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 79(3), 1213-1226.

Background: Having accurate, up-to-date information on the epidemiology of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia is imperative. Objective: To determine the prevalence of MCI and dementia in Norway using data from a large population-based study... Read More about Current and future prevalence estimates of mild cognitive impairment, dementia, and its subtypes in a population-based sample of people 70 years and older in Norway: The HUNT study.

Dementia in the older population is associated with neocortex content of serum amyloid P component (2021)
Journal Article
Ellmerich, S., Taylor, G. W., Richardson, C. D., Minett, T., Schmidt, A. F., Brayne, C., Matthews, F. E., Ince, P. G., Wharton, S. B., & Pepys, M. B. (2021). Dementia in the older population is associated with neocortex content of serum amyloid P component. Brain Communications, 3(4), Article fcab225.

Despite many reported associations, the direct cause of neurodegeneration responsible for cognitive loss in Alzheimer's disease and some other common dementias is not known. The normal human plasma protein, serum amyloid P component, a constituent of... Read More about Dementia in the older population is associated with neocortex content of serum amyloid P component.

Heterogeneity of cellular inflammatory responses in ageing white matter and relationship to Alzheimer’s and small vessel disease pathologies (2020)
Journal Article
Waller, R., Narramore, R., Simpson, J. E., Heath, P. R., Verma, N., Tinsley, M., Barnes, J. R., Haris, H. T., Henderson, F. E., Matthews, F. E., Richardson, C. D., Brayne, C., Ince, P. G., Kalaria, R. N., & Wharton, S. B. (2021). Heterogeneity of cellular inflammatory responses in ageing white matter and relationship to Alzheimer’s and small vessel disease pathologies. Brain Pathology, 31(3), Article e12928.

White matter lesions (WML) are common in the ageing brain, often arising in a field effect of diffuse white matter abnormality. Although WML are associated with cerebral small vessel disease (SVD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD), their cause and pathoge... Read More about Heterogeneity of cellular inflammatory responses in ageing white matter and relationship to Alzheimer’s and small vessel disease pathologies.

Estimating prevalence of subjective cognitive decline in and across international cohort studies of aging: a COSMIC study (2020)
Journal Article
Röhr, S., Pabst, A., Riedel-Heller, S. G., Jessen, F., Turana, Y., Handajani, Y. S., Brayne, C., Matthews, F. E., Stephan, B. C., Lipton, R. B., Katz, M. J., Wang, C., Guerchet, M., Preux, P. M., Mbelesso, P., Ritchie, K., Ancelin, M. L., Carrière, I., Guaita, A., Davin, A., …Sachdev, P. S. (2020). Estimating prevalence of subjective cognitive decline in and across international cohort studies of aging: a COSMIC study. Alzheimer's Research and Therapy, 12(1), Article 167.

Background: Subjective cognitive decline (SCD) is recognized as a risk stage for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other dementias, but its prevalence is not well known. We aimed to use uniform criteria to better estimate SCD prevalence across internation... Read More about Estimating prevalence of subjective cognitive decline in and across international cohort studies of aging: a COSMIC study.

Timing of GP end-of-life recognition in people aged ≥75 years: Retrospective cohort study using data from primary healthcare records in England (2020)
Journal Article
Stow, D., Matthews, F. E., & Hanratty, B. (2020). Timing of GP end-of-life recognition in people aged ≥75 years: Retrospective cohort study using data from primary healthcare records in England. The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 70(701), E874-E879.

Background High-quality, personalised palliative care should be available to all, but timely recognition of end of life may be a barrier to end-of-life care for older people. Aim To investigate the timing of end-of-life recognition, palliative regist... Read More about Timing of GP end-of-life recognition in people aged ≥75 years: Retrospective cohort study using data from primary healthcare records in England.

Changes in health and functioning of care home residents over two decades: what can we learn from population-based studies? (2020)
Journal Article
Barker, R. O., Hanratty, B., Kingston, A., Ramsay, S. E., & Matthews, F. E. (2021). Changes in health and functioning of care home residents over two decades: what can we learn from population-based studies?. Age and ageing, 50(3), 921-927.

Background: Care home residents have complex care and support needs. There is a perception that the needs of residents have increased, but the evidence is limited. We investigated changes in health and functioning of care home residents over two deca... Read More about Changes in health and functioning of care home residents over two decades: what can we learn from population-based studies?.

Transcriptomic analysis of age-associated periventricular lesions reveals dysregulation of the immune response (2020)
Journal Article
Fadul, M. M., Heath, P. R., Cooper-Knock, J., Kurz, J. M., Al-Azzawi, H. A., Ali, Z., Smith, T., Matthews, F. E., Brayne, C., Wharton, S. B., & Simpson, J. E. (2020). Transcriptomic analysis of age-associated periventricular lesions reveals dysregulation of the immune response. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(21), Article 7924.

White matter lesions (WML) are a common feature of the ageing brain associated with cognitive impairment. The gene expression profiles of periventricular lesions (PVL, n = 7) and radiologically-normal-appearing (control) periventricular white matter... Read More about Transcriptomic analysis of age-associated periventricular lesions reveals dysregulation of the immune response.