Tailored Risk Assessment and Forecasting in Intermittent Claudication: A Proof of Concept Decision Support Tool
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ravindhran, B., Prosser, J., Lim, A., Mishra, B., Lathan, R., Hitchman, L., Smith, G., Carradice, D., Thakker, D., Pymer, S., & Chetter, I. (2024, June). Tailored Risk Assessment and Forecasting in Intermittent Claudication: A Proof of Concept Decision Support Tool. Presented at The European Society for Vascular Surgery Translational Spring Meeting 2024, Stockholm, Sweden
All Outputs (69)
The association between completion of supervised exercise therapy and long-term outcomes in patients with intermittent claudication, concomitant sarcopenia and cardiometabolic multimorbidity (2024)
Journal Article
Ravindhran, B., Igwe, C., Nazir, S., Prosser, J., Harwood, A., Lathan, R., Harwood, A. E., Carradice, D., Smith, G. E., Chetter, I. C., & Pymer, S. (online). The association between completion of supervised exercise therapy and long-term outcomes in patients with intermittent claudication, concomitant sarcopenia and cardiometabolic multimorbidity. Annals of vascular surgery, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.avsg.2024.04.032Introduction: The combination of intermittent claudication (IC), cardiometabolic multimorbidity (CMM), and sarcopenia is associated with worse outcomes than IC alone. This study aimed to identify whether the completion of supervised exercise therapy... Read More about The association between completion of supervised exercise therapy and long-term outcomes in patients with intermittent claudication, concomitant sarcopenia and cardiometabolic multimorbidity.
The prognostic value of simple frailty and malnutrition screening tools for determining surgical risk in patients with chronic limb threatening ischaemia undergoing major vascular surgery: A retrospective cross-sectional study (2024)
Journal Article
Palmer, J., Pymer, S., Smith, G., Ingle, L., Harwood, A., & Chetter, I. (online). The prognostic value of simple frailty and malnutrition screening tools for determining surgical risk in patients with chronic limb threatening ischaemia undergoing major vascular surgery: A retrospective cross-sectional study. Journal of Vascular Societies Great Britain and Ireland, https://doi.org/10.54522/jvsgbi.2024.124Background: This study aims to explore the prognostic value of simple frailty and malnutrition tools for determining postoperative outcomes at 30 days and 1 year in patients with CLTI undergoing major surgery.
Methods: This was a single-centre retr... Read More about The prognostic value of simple frailty and malnutrition screening tools for determining surgical risk in patients with chronic limb threatening ischaemia undergoing major vascular surgery: A retrospective cross-sectional study.
Tailored risk assessment and forecasting in intermittent claudication (2024)
Journal Article
Ravindhran, B., Prosser, J., Lim, A., Lathan, R., Mishra, B., Hitchman, L., Smith, G. E., Carradice, D., Thakker, D., Chetter, I. C., & Pymer, S. (2024). Tailored risk assessment and forecasting in intermittent claudication. BJS Open, 8(1), Article zrad166. https://doi.org/10.1093/bjsopen/zrad166Background: Guidelines recommend cardiovascular risk reduction and supervised exercise therapy as the first line of treatment in intermittent claudication, but implementation challenges and poor patient compliance lead to significant variation in man... Read More about Tailored risk assessment and forecasting in intermittent claudication.
A feasibility survey to inform trial design investigating surgical site infection prevention in vascular surgery (2024)
Journal Article
Lathan, R., Hitchman, L., Long, J., Gwilym, B., Wall, M., Juszczak, M., Smith, G., Popplewell, M., Bosanquet, D., Hinchliffe, R., Pinkney, T., & Chetter, I. (2024). A feasibility survey to inform trial design investigating surgical site infection prevention in vascular surgery. Journal of Vascular Societies Great Britain and Ireland, 3(2), 76-83. https://doi.org/10.54522/jvsgbi.2024.116Introduction: Current surgical site infection (SSI) prevention guidance indicates low-quality evidence supporting many of their recommendations. Subsequently, there is substantial variation in practice and often implementation of unsubstantiated inte... Read More about A feasibility survey to inform trial design investigating surgical site infection prevention in vascular surgery.
Early ultrasound surveillance of newly-created haemodialysis arteriovenous fistula (2024)
Journal Article
Richards, J., Summers, D., Sidders, A., Allen, E., Thomas, H., Hossain, M. A., Paul, S., Slater, M., Bartlett, M., Lagaac, R., Laing, E., Hopkins, V., Fitzpatrick-Creamer, C., Hudson, C., Parsons, J., Turner, S., Tambyraja, A., Somalanka, S., Hunter, J., Dutta, S., …Walker, A. (2024). Early ultrasound surveillance of newly-created haemodialysis arteriovenous fistula. Kidney International Reports, 9(4), 1005-1019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ekir.2024.01.011Introduction
We assess if ultrasound surveillance of newly-created arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs) can predict nonmaturation sufficiently reliably to justify randomized controlled trial (RCT) evaluation of ultrasound-directed salvage intervention.
Me... Read More about Early ultrasound surveillance of newly-created haemodialysis arteriovenous fistula.
The effectiveness of waxing or epilation compared to conventional methods of hair removal in reducing the incidence of surgical site infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2024)
Journal Article
Cutteridge, J., Garrido, P., Staniland, T., Lim, A., Totty, J., Lathan, R., Smith, G., & Chetter, I. (2024). The effectiveness of waxing or epilation compared to conventional methods of hair removal in reducing the incidence of surgical site infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in Surgery, 11, Article 1395681. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsurg.2024.1395681Background: Surgical site infections (SSIs) pose a significant challenge to healthcare systems by elevating patient morbidity and mortality and driving up financial costs. Preoperative skin preparation is crucial for preventing SSIs; however, certain... Read More about The effectiveness of waxing or epilation compared to conventional methods of hair removal in reducing the incidence of surgical site infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Extracorporeal Shockwave for Intermittent Claudication and Quality of Life: A Randomized Clinical Trial (2024)
Journal Article
Cai, P., Pymer, S., Raza, A., Ibeggazene, S., Hitchman, L., Chetter, I., & Smith, G. (2024). Extracorporeal Shockwave for Intermittent Claudication and Quality of Life: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Surgery, https://doi.org/10.1001/jamasurg.2024.0625Importance: Intermittent lower limb claudication limits function and quality of life. Supervised exercise programs are not readily available, and a noninvasive alternative is needed. Objective: To assess extracorporeal corporeal shockwave therapy in... Read More about Extracorporeal Shockwave for Intermittent Claudication and Quality of Life: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
Supervised Exercise Therapy for Intermittent Claudication: A Propensity Score Matched Analysis of Retrospective Data on Long Term Cardiovascular Outcomes (2023)
Journal Article
Ravindhran, B., Lim, A. J., Kurian, T., Walshaw, J., Hitchman, L. H., Lathan, R., Smith, G. E., Carradice, D., Chetter, I. C., & Pymer, S. (in press). Supervised Exercise Therapy for Intermittent Claudication: A Propensity Score Matched Analysis of Retrospective Data on Long Term Cardiovascular Outcomes. European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery : the official journal of the European Society for Vascular Surgery, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejvs.2023.11.040Objective: This study aimed to explore the long term outcomes of patients with intermittent claudication (IC) who completed supervised exercise therapy (SET) vs. those who declined or prematurely discontinued SET, focusing on the incidence of chronic... Read More about Supervised Exercise Therapy for Intermittent Claudication: A Propensity Score Matched Analysis of Retrospective Data on Long Term Cardiovascular Outcomes.
Molecular mechanisms of action of negative pressure wound therapy: A systematic review (2023)
Journal Article
Ravindhran, B., Schafer, N., Howitt, A., Carradice, D., Smith, G., & Chetter, I. (2023). Molecular mechanisms of action of negative pressure wound therapy: A systematic review. Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine, 25, Article e29. https://doi.org/10.1017/erm.2023.24Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) has significantly advanced wound care and continues to find new applications. Its effects at a molecular level however, remain a subject of debate. The aim of this systematic review is to summarize the current e... Read More about Molecular mechanisms of action of negative pressure wound therapy: A systematic review.
A preoperative supervised exercise program potentially improves long-term survival after elective abdominal aortic aneurysm repair (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sethi, S., Ravindhran, B., Long, J., Gurung, R., Huang, C., Smith, G. E., Carradice, D., Wallace, T., Ibeggazene, S., Chetter, I. C., & Pymer, S. A preoperative supervised exercise program potentially improves long-term survival after elective abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Presented at 2023 Vascular Annual Meeting of the Society for Vascular Surgery, National Harbor, MarylandObjective: A preoperative supervised exercise program (SEP) improves cardiorespiratory fitness and perioperative outcomes for patients undergoing elective abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of a pre... Read More about A preoperative supervised exercise program potentially improves long-term survival after elective abdominal aortic aneurysm repair.
Surgical and rehabilitation outcomes of patients undergoing through knee amputation compared with above knee amputation (2023)
Journal Article
Gordon, H., Hebenton, J., Davie-Smith, F., Twiddy, M., Smith, G., & Carradice, D. (2023). Surgical and rehabilitation outcomes of patients undergoing through knee amputation compared with above knee amputation. Journal of Vascular Societies Great Britain and Ireland, 2(4), 208-214. https://doi.org/10.54522/jvsgbi.2023.081Background: Through knee amputation (TKA) may offer benefits over above knee amputation (AKA) in patients unsuitable for below knee amputation. This retrospective analysis compared surgical and rehabilitation outcomes post TKA and AKA.
Methods: Al... Read More about Surgical and rehabilitation outcomes of patients undergoing through knee amputation compared with above knee amputation.
The Host-Microbiota Axis in Chronic Wound Healing (2023)
Stafford, A. R. The Host-Microbiota Axis in Chronic Wound Healing. (Thesis). Hull York Medical School. https://hull-repository.worktribe.com/output/4424929Chronic, non-healing skin wounds represent a substantial area of unmet clinical need, leading to debilitating morbidity and mortality in affected individuals. Due to their high prevalence and recurrence, chronic wounds pose a significant economic bur... Read More about The Host-Microbiota Axis in Chronic Wound Healing.
Clinical and confidence outcomes following through-knee versus above-knee amputation : a quantitative study (2023)
Boam, G. L. Clinical and confidence outcomes following through-knee versus above-knee amputation : a quantitative study. (Thesis). University of Hull and University of York. https://hull-repository.worktribe.com/output/4567461Following surgery, patients with a major lower limb amputation face physical and mental health challenges. For clinicians and physiotherapists to reach a consensus and provide a suitable level of amputation for each patient, the understanding of post... Read More about Clinical and confidence outcomes following through-knee versus above-knee amputation : a quantitative study.
PRESS survey: PREvention of surgical site infection—a global pan-specialty survey of practice protocol (2023)
Journal Article
Heinz, J., Walshaw, J., Kwan, J. Y., Long, J., Carradice, D., Totty, J., Kontouli, K. M., Lainas, P., Hitchman, L., Smith, G., Huo, B., Guadalajara, H., Garcia-Olmo, D., Sharma, D., Biyani, C. S., Tomlinson, J., Loubani, M., Galli, R., Lathan, R., Chetter, I., & Yiasemidou, M. (2023). PRESS survey: PREvention of surgical site infection—a global pan-specialty survey of practice protocol. Frontiers in Surgery, 10, Article 1251444. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsurg.2023.1251444Background: Surgical site infections (SSI) complicate up to 40% of surgical procedures, leading to increased patient morbidity and mortality. Previous research identified disparities in SSI prevention guidelines and clinical practices across differen... Read More about PRESS survey: PREvention of surgical site infection—a global pan-specialty survey of practice protocol.
Long term outcomes of ‘Christmas Tree’ banding for haemodialysis access induced distal ischemia: A 13-year experience (2022)
Journal Article
Ravindhran, B., Totty, J. P., Sidapra, M., Lathan, R., Carradice, D., Chetter, I. C., & Smith, G. E. (in press). Long term outcomes of ‘Christmas Tree’ banding for haemodialysis access induced distal ischemia: A 13-year experience. The journal of vascular access, https://doi.org/10.1177/11297298221141497Background: The reduction in distal arterial flow following arteriovenous fistula (AVF) creation can cause a perfusion deficit known as haemodialysis access induced distal ischemia (HAIDI). Various techniques have been advocated to treat this difficu... Read More about Long term outcomes of ‘Christmas Tree’ banding for haemodialysis access induced distal ischemia: A 13-year experience.
Extracorporeal shockwave therapy compared with standard care for diabetic foot ulcer healing: An updated systematic review (2022)
Journal Article
Hitchman, L., Totty, J., Smith, G. E., Carradice, D., Twiddy, M., Iglesias, C., Russell, D., & Chetter, I. C. (2022). Extracorporeal shockwave therapy compared with standard care for diabetic foot ulcer healing: An updated systematic review. International wound journal, https://doi.org/10.1111/iwj.14035Emerging evidence suggests that extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) may improve time to DFU healing. The aim of this review was to appraise the evidence on role of ESWT in DFU healing and impact of different ESWT doses. Databases were searched fo... Read More about Extracorporeal shockwave therapy compared with standard care for diabetic foot ulcer healing: An updated systematic review.
A mixed methods study of outcomes, experiences, and perceptions of through-knee and above-knee amputation (2022)
Crane, H. A mixed methods study of outcomes, experiences, and perceptions of through-knee and above-knee amputation. (Thesis). University of Hull. https://hull-repository.worktribe.com/output/4312145Through-knee amputation (TKA) has several theoretical physical advantages over above-knee amputation (AKA), yet AKA remains the preferred level of amputation by UK vascular surgeons when below-knee amputation (BKA) is not feasible. How clinician’s pe... Read More about A mixed methods study of outcomes, experiences, and perceptions of through-knee and above-knee amputation.
Diagnostic accuracy of telemedicine for detection of surgical site infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2022)
Journal Article
Lathan, R., Sidapra, M., Yiasemidou, M., Long, J., Totty, J., Smith, G., & Chetter, I. (2022). Diagnostic accuracy of telemedicine for detection of surgical site infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis. npj Digital Medicine, 5(1), Article 108. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41746-022-00655-0The Sars-CoV-2 pandemic catalysed integration of telemedicine worldwide. This systematic review assesses it’s accuracy for diagnosis of Surgical Site Infection (SSI). Databases were searched for telemedicine and wound infection studies. All types of... Read More about Diagnostic accuracy of telemedicine for detection of surgical site infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Wound complications following surgery to the lymph nodes: A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis (2022)
Journal Article
Nzenwa, I. C., Iqbal, H. A., Hardie, C., Smith, G. E., Matteucci, P. L., & Totty, J. P. (2022). Wound complications following surgery to the lymph nodes: A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS ONE, 17(8), Article e0272490. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0272490Background Malignancies that spread to the lymph nodes may be identified through surgical biopsy, and treatment of metastatic disease may be through lymph node dissection. These surgeries, however, may be associated with significant adverse outcomes,... Read More about Wound complications following surgery to the lymph nodes: A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis.