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All Outputs (7)

The mechanical loading and muscle activation of four common exercises used in osteoporosis prevention for early postmenopausal women (2018)
Journal Article
Montgomery, G., Abt, G., Dobson, C., Smith, T., Evans, W., & Ditroilo, M. (2019). The mechanical loading and muscle activation of four common exercises used in osteoporosis prevention for early postmenopausal women. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 44, 124-131.

High impact exercise can reduce postmenopausal bone loss, however stimulus frequency (loading cycles per second) can affect osteogenesis. We aimed to examine the effect of stimulus frequency on the mechanical loading of four common osteoporosis preve... Read More about The mechanical loading and muscle activation of four common exercises used in osteoporosis prevention for early postmenopausal women.

Mixed-methods pre-match cooling improves simulated soccer performance in the heat (2018)
Journal Article
Aldous, J. W. F., Chrismas, B. C. R., Akubat, I., Stringer, C. A., Abt, G., & Taylor, L. (2019). Mixed-methods pre-match cooling improves simulated soccer performance in the heat. European journal of sport science : the official journal of the European College of Sport Science, 19(2), 156-165.

This investigation examined the effects of three pre-match and half-time cooling manoeuvres on physical performance and associated physiological and perceptual responses in eight University soccer players during a non-motorised treadmill based indivi... Read More about Mixed-methods pre-match cooling improves simulated soccer performance in the heat.

The validity of external: internal training load ratios in rested and fatigued soccer players (2018)
Journal Article
Akubat, I., Barrett, S., Sagarra, M. L., & Abt, G. (2018). The validity of external: internal training load ratios in rested and fatigued soccer players. Sports, 6(2), 44.

Purpose: To examine the relationship of external:internal training load ratios with fitness and assess the impact of fatigue. Method: Ten soccer players performed a lactate threshold test followed by two soccer simulations (BEAST90mod ) 48 h apart. R... Read More about The validity of external: internal training load ratios in rested and fatigued soccer players.

The dose-response relationship between training load and aerobic fitness in academy rugby union players (2018)
Journal Article
Taylor, R. J., Sanders, D., Myers, T., Abt, G., Taylor, C. A., & Akubat, I. (2018). The dose-response relationship between training load and aerobic fitness in academy rugby union players. International journal of sports physiology and performance : IJSPP, 13(2), 163-169.

© 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc. Purpose: To identify the dose-response relationship between measures of training load (TL) and changes in aerobic fitness in academy rugby union players. Method: Training data from 10 academy rugby union players were colle... Read More about The dose-response relationship between training load and aerobic fitness in academy rugby union players.

Measuring Moderate-Intensity Exercise with the Apple Watch: Validation Study (2018)
Journal Article
Abt, G., Bray, J., & Benson, A. C. (2018). Measuring Moderate-Intensity Exercise with the Apple Watch: Validation Study. JMIR Cardio, 2(1), e6.

Background: Moderate fitness levels and habitual exercise have a protective effect for cardiovascular disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and all-cause mortality. The Apple Watch displays exercise completed at an intensity of a brisk walk or above usin... Read More about Measuring Moderate-Intensity Exercise with the Apple Watch: Validation Study.