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Mapping development and health effects of cooking with solid fuels in low-income and middle-income countries, 2000–18: a geospatial modelling study (2022)
Journal Article
Frostad, J. J., Nguyen, Q. A. P., Baumann, M. M., Blacker, B. F., Marczak, L. B., Deshpande, A., Wiens, K. E., LeGrand, K. E., Johnson, K. B., Abbasi-Kangevari, M., Abdoli, A., Abolhassani, H., Abreu, L. G., Abrigo, M. R., Abu-Rmeileh, N. M., Adekanmbi, V., Agrawal, A., Ahmed, M. B., Al-Aly, Z., Alanezi, F. M., …Soyiri, I. (2022). Mapping development and health effects of cooking with solid fuels in low-income and middle-income countries, 2000–18: a geospatial modelling study. The Lancet global health, 10(10), e1395-e1411.

Background: More than 3 billion people do not have access to clean energy and primarily use solid fuels to cook. Use of solid fuels generates household air pollution, which was associated with more than 2 million deaths in 2019. Although local patter... Read More about Mapping development and health effects of cooking with solid fuels in low-income and middle-income countries, 2000–18: a geospatial modelling study.

Estimates, trends, and drivers of the global burden of type 2 diabetes attributable to PM2·5 air pollution, 1990–2019: an analysis of data from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 (2022)
Journal Article
Burkart, K., Causey, K., Cohen, A. J., Wozniak, S. S., Salvi, D. D., Abbafati, C., Adekanmbi, V., Adsuar, J. C., Ahmadi, K., Alahdab, F., Al-Aly, Z., Alipour, V., Alvis-Guzman, N., Amegah, A. K., Andrei, C. L., Andrei, T., Ansari, F., Arabloo, J., Aremu, O., Aripov, T., …Soyiri, I. (2022). Estimates, trends, and drivers of the global burden of type 2 diabetes attributable to PM2·5 air pollution, 1990–2019: an analysis of data from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. The Lancet Planetary Health, 6(7), e586-e600.

Background: Experimental and epidemiological studies indicate an association between exposure to particulate matter (PM) air pollution and increased risk of type 2 diabetes. In view of the high and increasing prevalence of diabetes, we aimed to quant... Read More about Estimates, trends, and drivers of the global burden of type 2 diabetes attributable to PM2·5 air pollution, 1990–2019: an analysis of data from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019.

Hormone replacement therapy and asthma onset in menopausal women: National cohort study (2020)
Journal Article
Shah, S. A., Tibble, H., Pillinger, R., McLean, S., Ryan, D., Critchley, H., Price, D., Hawrylowicz, C. M., Simpson, C. R., Soyiri, I. N., Appiagyei, F., Sheikh, A., & Nwaru, B. I. (2020). Hormone replacement therapy and asthma onset in menopausal women: National cohort study. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,

© 2020 The Authors
Background: There is uncertainty about the role of hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) in the development of asthma.
Objective: We investigated whether use of HRT and duration of use was associated with risk of development of as... Read More about Hormone replacement therapy and asthma onset in menopausal women: National cohort study.