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Contextual synthetic lethality of cancer cell kill based on the tumor microenvironment (2010)
Journal Article
Chan, N., Pires, I. M., Bencokova, Z., Coackley, C., Luoto, K. R., Bhogal, N., Lakshman, M., Gottipati, P., Oliver, F. J., Helleday, T., Hammond, E. M., & Bristow, R. G. (2010). Contextual synthetic lethality of cancer cell kill based on the tumor microenvironment. Cancer Research, 70(20), 8045-8054.

Acute and chronic hypoxia exists within the three-dimensional microenvironment of solid tumors and drives therapy resistance, genetic instability, and metastasis. Replicating cells exposed to either severe acute hypoxia (16 hours with 0.02% O 2 ) fol... Read More about Contextual synthetic lethality of cancer cell kill based on the tumor microenvironment.

Exposure to acute hypoxia induces a transient DNA damage response which includes Chk1 and TLK1 (2010)
Journal Article
Pires, I. M., Bencokova, Z., Hammond, E. M., & McGurk, C. (2010). Exposure to acute hypoxia induces a transient DNA damage response which includes Chk1 and TLK1. Cell cycle, 9(13), 2502-2507.

Severe hypoxia has been demonstrated to induce a replication arrest which is associated with decreased levels of nucleotides. Chk1 is rapidly phosphorylated in response to severe hypoxia and in turn deactivates TLK1 through phosphorylation. Loss of C... Read More about Exposure to acute hypoxia induces a transient DNA damage response which includes Chk1 and TLK1.

Regulation of autophagy by ATF4 in response to severe hypoxia (2010)
Journal Article
Rzymski, T., Milani, M., Pike, L., Buffa, F., Mellor, H. R., Winchester, L., Pires, I., Hammond, E., Ragoussis, I., & Harris, A. L. (2010). Regulation of autophagy by ATF4 in response to severe hypoxia. Oncogene, 29(31), 4424-4435.

Activating transcription factor 4 (ATF4) is a transcription factor induced under severe hypoxia and a component of the PERK pathway involved in the unfolded protein response (UPR), a process that protects cells from the negative consequences of endop... Read More about Regulation of autophagy by ATF4 in response to severe hypoxia.

Oxaliplatin responses in colorectal cancer cells are modulated by CHK2 kinase inhibitors (2010)
Journal Article
Pires, I. M., Ward, T. H., & Dive, C. (2010). Oxaliplatin responses in colorectal cancer cells are modulated by CHK2 kinase inhibitors. British Journal of Pharmacology, 159(6), 1326-1338.

Background and purpose: Checkpoint kinase 2 (CHK2) is activated by DNA damage and can contribute to p53 stabilization, modulating growth arrest and/or apoptosis. We investigated the contribution of CHK2 to oxaliplatin-mediated toxicity in a colorecta... Read More about Oxaliplatin responses in colorectal cancer cells are modulated by CHK2 kinase inhibitors.

Effects of acute versus chronic hypoxia on DNA damage responses and genomic instability (2010)
Journal Article
Pires, I. M., Bencokova, Z., Milani, M., Folkes, L. K., Li, J.-L., Stratford, M. R., Harris, A. L., & Hammond, E. M. (2010). Effects of acute versus chronic hypoxia on DNA damage responses and genomic instability. Cancer Research, 70(3), 925-935.

Questions exist concerning the effects of acute versus chronic hypoxic conditions on DNA replication and genomic stability that may influence tumorigenesis. Severe hypoxia causes replication arrest independent of S-phase checkpoint, DNA damage respon... Read More about Effects of acute versus chronic hypoxia on DNA damage responses and genomic instability.