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All Outputs (26)

Multicultural conversations: The nature and future of culture, identity and nationalism (2024)
Journal Article
Modood, T., Parekh, B., Tyler, C., Uberoi, V., & Connelly, J. (online). Multicultural conversations: The nature and future of culture, identity and nationalism. Ethnicities,

Despite well-known criticism of multiculturalism in Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, Canada, Australia, India and elsewhere since 9/11, such policies have proliferated (Banting and Kymlicka, 2013; Mathieu, 2018) and the Canadian and Australian poli... Read More about Multicultural conversations: The nature and future of culture, identity and nationalism.

F.H. Bradley and secular and religious debates in the philosophy of history (2018)
Journal Article
Connelly, J. (2018). F.H. Bradley and secular and religious debates in the philosophy of history. Philosophical Enquiries. Revue des philosophies anglophones, 97-116

This paper considers F. H. Bradley’s The Presuppositions of Critical History as a foundational document in philosophy of history, and its origin in debates in church history triggered by claims that biblical stories should be subject to the constrain... Read More about F.H. Bradley and secular and religious debates in the philosophy of history.

The composition of R. G. Collingwood's The New Leviathan (2018)
Journal Article
Connelly, J., & Johnson, P. (2019). The composition of R. G. Collingwood's The New Leviathan. British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 27(1), 114-133.

Collingwood's The New Leviathan is a difficult text. It comprises philosophy, political theory, political opinion and history in what is sometimes an uneasy amalgam. Despite its being the culmination of thirty years of work in ethics and political th... Read More about The composition of R. G. Collingwood's The New Leviathan.

Language, aesthetics and emotions in the work of the British idealists (2018)
Journal Article
Tyler, C., & Connelly, J. (2018). Language, aesthetics and emotions in the work of the British idealists. British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 26(4), 643-659.

This article surveys and contextualizes the British idealists' philosophical writings on language, aesthetics and emotions, starting with T.H. Green and concluding with Michael Oakeshott. It highlights ways in which their philosophical insights have... Read More about Language, aesthetics and emotions in the work of the British idealists.

The public interest environmental law group: from USA to Europe (2018)
Journal Article
Goodman, M., & Connelly, J. (2018). The public interest environmental law group: from USA to Europe. Environmental Politics, 27(6), 1014-1032.

The European environmental movement has been reconfigured since the introduction of the pan-European public interest environmental law group based on the model founded in the USA around 1970. Yet it has been claimed that there is a low degree of succ... Read More about The public interest environmental law group: from USA to Europe.

Reasoning through Crisis: Crisis, Incommensurability and Belief (2016)
Journal Article
Connelly, J. (2019). Reasoning through Crisis: Crisis, Incommensurability and Belief. Revue Française de Civilisation Britannique, 21(2),

This paper draws on Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, but it is neither an exposition nor a critique of that book and uses certain concepts from it as a springboard for reflections on the nature of crisis. Kuhn’s key term was par... Read More about Reasoning through Crisis: Crisis, Incommensurability and Belief.

The meaning of intention and meaning in Mark Bevir and Vivienne Brown (2011)
Journal Article
Connelly, J. (2011). The meaning of intention and meaning in Mark Bevir and Vivienne Brown. Intellectual History Review, 21(1), 95-104.

Bevir's weak intentionalism construes meanings consisting in the understanding of a specific individual and they are identifiable solely by reference to that individual, by contrast with strong intentionalism, whereby a text expresses prior purposes... Read More about The meaning of intention and meaning in Mark Bevir and Vivienne Brown.

T.M. Knox and the study of economic activity (2010)
Journal Article
Connelly, J. (2010). T.M. Knox and the study of economic activity. International Journal of Social Economics, 37(11), 880-893.

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to show how T.M. Knox sought to conceptualise economic activity in the context of his philosophical background and in relation to the analysis of the nature of economics offered by Lionel Robbins. Design/methodol... Read More about T.M. Knox and the study of economic activity.

The liberal Hegelianism of Edward Caird: or, how to transcend the social economics of Kant and the romantics (2010)
Journal Article
Tyler, C. (2010). The liberal Hegelianism of Edward Caird: or, how to transcend the social economics of Kant and the romantics. International Journal of Social Economics, 37(11), 852-866.

Purpose: The paper establishes that Edward Caird developed a distinctive form of liberal Hegelianism out of his critical responses to Kant, the romantic tradition of Rousseau, Goethe and Wordsworth and indeed Hegel himself. Design/methodology/approac... Read More about The liberal Hegelianism of Edward Caird: or, how to transcend the social economics of Kant and the romantics.

'Making Exceptions': A response to Shue (2009)
Journal Article
Connelly, J. (2009). 'Making Exceptions': A response to Shue. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 26(3), 323-328.

© Society for Applied Philosophy, 2009. In what follows I respond to Henry Shue’s paper by focusing on three principal themes. The first is the relation of philosophical theory to practice, in which I agree that philosophers have to run the risks att... Read More about 'Making Exceptions': A response to Shue.

Respecting nature? (2006)
Journal Article
Connelly, J. (2006). Respecting nature?. Res publica : a journal of legal and social philosophy, 12(1), 97-108.

This paper considers whether respect is a concept that can be applied fruitfully and cogently to nature and the environment. Through an examination of the idea of nature, respect and an analysis of Paul Taylor's book Respect for Nature, it argues tha... Read More about Respecting nature?.

British Idealism and the political philosophy of T.H. Green, Bernard Bosanquet, R.G. Collingwood and Michael Oakeshott (2005)
Journal Article
Boucher, D., Boucher, D., Sweet, W., Connelly, J., Connelly, J., Panagakou, S., Tyler, C., Sweet, W., & Tyler, C. (2005). British Idealism and the political philosophy of T.H. Green, Bernard Bosanquet, R.G. Collingwood and Michael Oakeshott. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 7(1), 97-125.

Patrolling the boundaries of politics: Collingwood, political analysis and political action (2005)
Journal Article
Connelly, J. (2005). Patrolling the boundaries of politics: Collingwood, political analysis and political action. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 7(1), 67-80.

Debates over whether a certain thing is (or ought to be) construed as 'political' are frequent and frequently interminable. This article argues that approaches to the proper understanding, scope and application of political concepts should recognise... Read More about Patrolling the boundaries of politics: Collingwood, political analysis and political action.

Does double loop learning create reliable knowledge? (2004)
Journal Article
Blackman, D., Connelly, J., & Henderson, S. (2004). Does double loop learning create reliable knowledge?. Learning Organization, The, 11(1), 11-27.

This paper addresses doubts concerning the reliability of knowledge being created by double loop learning processes. Popper's ontological worlds are used to explore the philosophical basis of the way that individual experiences are turned into organi... Read More about Does double loop learning create reliable knowledge?.