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All Outputs (7)

Synchrotron X-ray operando studies of atomic structure evolution of multi-component Al alloys in liquid state (2023)
Huang, S. Synchrotron X-ray operando studies of atomic structure evolution of multi-component Al alloys in liquid state. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This research has studied one of the challenging scientific issues in materials science, i.e., in real time, understanding quantitatively the 3D atomic structures of multiple component alloys in the liquid state and how the atomic structures evolve w... Read More about Synchrotron X-ray operando studies of atomic structure evolution of multi-component Al alloys in liquid state.

Study of the composition, processing and microstructure relationship of light alloys (2022)
Sumayli, A. I. Study of the composition, processing and microstructure relationship of light alloys. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This research consists of two main parts. The first part concerns the study of the effect of pulse electromagnetic fields on the microstructural evolution and the hardness of an Al-20%Si alloy. A pulse magnetic field apparatus is used to produce diff... Read More about Study of the composition, processing and microstructure relationship of light alloys.

In Situ Studies of the Solidification Dynamics of Metal Alloys (2018)
Book Chapter
Mi, J. (2018). In Situ Studies of the Solidification Dynamics of Metal Alloys. In D. G. Eskin, & J. Mi (Eds.), Solidification Processing of Metallic Alloys Under External Fields (19-74). Springer.

© 2018, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Since the 1990s, tens of 3rd generation synchrotron X-ray facilities have been built around the world and made available for research in almost all scientific disciplines. The high brilliance, high coherence an... Read More about In Situ Studies of the Solidification Dynamics of Metal Alloys.

Pulse External Fields Processing of Metal Alloys (2018)
Book Chapter
Mi, J. (2018). Pulse External Fields Processing of Metal Alloys. In D. G. Eskin, & J. Mi (Eds.), Solidification Processing of Metallic Alloys Under External Fields (243-275). Springer.

© 2018, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Research and applications of electromagnetic processing of materials began in the 1930s. In those early days, electromagnetic induction was the main technique and it was used for heating or melting metal alloys... Read More about Pulse External Fields Processing of Metal Alloys.

Study of the multi-length scale structure of metallic glasses using synchrotron X-rays and phase-field crystal modelling (2016)
Zhang, W. Study of the multi-length scale structure of metallic glasses using synchrotron X-rays and phase-field crystal modelling. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Metallic glasses and composites are a new class of metal alloys which have unique mechanical and functional properties. The structure of metallic glasses and composites are key to understand the glass formation ability and also their unique propertie... Read More about Study of the multi-length scale structure of metallic glasses using synchrotron X-rays and phase-field crystal modelling.

In situ ultrafast synchrotron x-ray imaging studies of the dynamics of ultrasonic bubbles in liquids (2015)
Tan, D. In situ ultrafast synchrotron x-ray imaging studies of the dynamics of ultrasonic bubbles in liquids. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The research studies the highly dynamic and transient behaviour of ultrasonic bubbles in liquids of different physical properties, including water, silicone oil, and liquid metals. A novel ultrasound solidification apparatus as well as the special sa... Read More about In situ ultrafast synchrotron x-ray imaging studies of the dynamics of ultrasonic bubbles in liquids.