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Estimated peak functional capacity: an accurate method for assessing change in peak oxygen consumption after cardiac rehabilitation? (2017)
Journal Article
Nichols, S., Gleadall-Siddall, D. O., Antony, R., Clark, A. L., Cleland, J. G. F., Carroll, S., & Ingle, L. (2018). Estimated peak functional capacity: an accurate method for assessing change in peak oxygen consumption after cardiac rehabilitation?. Clinical physiology and functional imaging, 38(4), 681-688.

Summary Objective Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) is the ‘gold standard’ method of determining VO2peak. When CPET is unavailable, VO2peak may be estimated from treadmill or cycle ergometer workloads and expressed as estimated metabolic equiva... Read More about Estimated peak functional capacity: an accurate method for assessing change in peak oxygen consumption after cardiac rehabilitation?.

Exploring quality of life in patients with and without heart failure (2015)
Journal Article
Zhang, J., Hobkirk, J., Carroll, S., Pellicori, P., Clark, A. L., & Cleland, J. G. (2016). Exploring quality of life in patients with and without heart failure. International journal of cardiology, 202, 676-684.

Aims The EuroHeart Failure Survey Questionnaire (EHFSQ-1) has 39 questions on symptoms and quality of life (QoL); many items are related. We sought to identify underlying clusters amongst EHFSQ-1 questions, construct an overall “QoL score” and invest... Read More about Exploring quality of life in patients with and without heart failure.

Development of a human model for the study of effects of hypoxia, exercise, and sildenafil on cardiac and vascular function in chronic heart failure (2015)
Journal Article
Damy, T., Hobkirk, J., Walters, M., Ciobanu, A., Rigby, A. S., Kallvikbacka-Bennett, A., Guellich, A., Dubois-Rande, J.-L., Hittinger, L., Clark, A. L., & Cleland, J. G. F. (2015). Development of a human model for the study of effects of hypoxia, exercise, and sildenafil on cardiac and vascular function in chronic heart failure. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 66(3), 229-238.

Background: Pulmonary hypertension is associated with poor outcome in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) and may be a therapeutic target. Our aims were to develop a noninvasive model for studying pulmonary vasoreactivity in CHF and characteriz... Read More about Development of a human model for the study of effects of hypoxia, exercise, and sildenafil on cardiac and vascular function in chronic heart failure.

Effects of reducing inspired oxygen concentration for one hour in patients with chronic heart failure: implications for air travel (2013)
Journal Article
Hobkirk, J. P., Damy, T., Walters, M., Bennett, A., Smith, S. J., Ingle, L., Clark, A. L., & Cleland, J. G. (2013). Effects of reducing inspired oxygen concentration for one hour in patients with chronic heart failure: implications for air travel. European journal of heart failure, 15(5), 505-510.

AimsThe objective of this study was to establish the acute effects of hypoxia on clinical, spirometric, haemodynamic, and echocardiographic variables. Reducing inspired oxygen to 15%, as experienced during commercial air travel, decreases arterial ox... Read More about Effects of reducing inspired oxygen concentration for one hour in patients with chronic heart failure: implications for air travel.

Abnormalities of the ventilatory equivalent for carbon dioxide in patients with chronic heart failure (2012)
Journal Article
Ingle, L., Sloan, R., Carroll, S., Goode, K., Cleland, J. G., & Clark, A. L. (2012). Abnormalities of the ventilatory equivalent for carbon dioxide in patients with chronic heart failure. Pulmonary Medicine, 2012, 589164.

Introduction. The relation between minute ventilation (VE) and carbon dioxide production (VCO(2)) can be characterised by the instantaneous ratio of ventilation to carbon dioxide production, the ventilatory equivalent for CO(2) (VEqCO(2)). We hypothe... Read More about Abnormalities of the ventilatory equivalent for carbon dioxide in patients with chronic heart failure.

Prevalence of, associations with, and prognostic value of tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) among out-patients referred for the evaluation of heart failure (2012)
Journal Article
Damy, T., Kallvikbacka-Bennett, A., Goode, K., Khaleva, O., Lewinter, C., Hobkirk, J., Nikitin, N. P., Dubois-Randé, J.-L., Hittinger, L., Clark, A. L., & Cleland, J. G. F. (2012). Prevalence of, associations with, and prognostic value of tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) among out-patients referred for the evaluation of heart failure. Journal of cardiac failure, 18(3), 216-225.

Background: Prevalence, predictors, and prognostic value of right ventricular (RV) function measured by the tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) symptoms with a broad range of left ventricula... Read More about Prevalence of, associations with, and prognostic value of tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) among out-patients referred for the evaluation of heart failure.

Does the physical examination still have a role in patients with suspected heart failure? (2011)
Journal Article
Damy, T., Kallvikbacka-Bennett, A., Zhang, J., Goode, K., Buga, L., Hobkirk, J., Yassin, A., Dubois-Randé, J.-L., Hittinger, L., Cleland, J. G. F., & Clark, A. L. (2011). Does the physical examination still have a role in patients with suspected heart failure?. European journal of heart failure, 13(12), 1340-1348.

AIMS: The prognostic value of signs of congestion in patients suspected of having chronic heart failure (CHF) is unknown. Our objectives were to define their prevalence and specificity in diagnosing CHF and to determine their prognostic value in pati... Read More about Does the physical examination still have a role in patients with suspected heart failure?.

Influence of step length on 6-minute walk test performance in patients with chronic heart failure (2011)
Journal Article
Pepera, G. K., Sandercock, G. R., Sloan, R., Cleland, J. J., Ingle, L., & Clark, A. L. (2012). Influence of step length on 6-minute walk test performance in patients with chronic heart failure. Physiotherapy, 98(4), 325-329.

Objective: To investigate the influence of gait parameters including step length and walking speed during performance of the 6-minute walking test (6MWT) in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). Design: Observational study. Setting: Specialist h... Read More about Influence of step length on 6-minute walk test performance in patients with chronic heart failure.

Experiences of air travel in patients with chronic heart failure (2011)
Journal Article
Ingle, L., Hobkirk, J., Damy, T., Nabb, S., Clark, A. L., & Cleland, J. G. (2012). Experiences of air travel in patients with chronic heart failure. International journal of cardiology, 158(1), 66-70.

AIM: To conduct a survey in a representative cohort of ambulatory patients with stable, well managed chronic heart failure (CHF) to discover their experiences of air travel. METHODS: An expert panel including a cardiologist, an exercise scientist, an... Read More about Experiences of air travel in patients with chronic heart failure.

Cardiac output does not limit submaximal exercise capacity in patients with chronic heart failure (2010)
Journal Article
Shelton, R. J., Ingle, L., Rigby, A. S., Witte, K. K., Cleland, J. G., & Clark, A. L. (2010). Cardiac output does not limit submaximal exercise capacity in patients with chronic heart failure. European journal of heart failure, 12(9), 983-989.

Mechanisms of exercise limitation in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) are incompletely understood. During matched submaximal, fixed-rate exercise, oxygen uptake is similar in patients and healthy controls. However, the importance of ca... Read More about Cardiac output does not limit submaximal exercise capacity in patients with chronic heart failure.

Derivation and validation of a simple clinical risk-model in heart failure based on 6 minute walk test performance and NT-proBNP status - Do we need specificity for sex and beta-blockers? (2009)
Journal Article
Frankenstein, L., Goode, K., Ingle, L., Remppis, A., Schellberg, D., Nelles, M., Katus, H. A., Clark, A. L., Cleland, J. G. F., & Zugck, C. (2011). Derivation and validation of a simple clinical risk-model in heart failure based on 6 minute walk test performance and NT-proBNP status - Do we need specificity for sex and beta-blockers?. International journal of cardiology, 147(1), 74-78.

BACKGROUND It is unclear whether risk prediction strategies in chronic heart failure (CHF) need to be specific for sex or beta-blockers. We examined this problem and developed and validated the consequent risk models based on 6-minute-walk-test and N... Read More about Derivation and validation of a simple clinical risk-model in heart failure based on 6 minute walk test performance and NT-proBNP status - Do we need specificity for sex and beta-blockers?.

Impact of different diagnostic criteria on the prevalence and prognostic significance of exertional oscillatory ventilation in patients with chronic heart failure (2009)
Journal Article
Ingle, L., Isted, A., Witte, K. K., Cleland, J. G., & Clark, A. L. (2009). Impact of different diagnostic criteria on the prevalence and prognostic significance of exertional oscillatory ventilation in patients with chronic heart failure. European journal of cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation, 16(4), 451-456.

INTRODUCTION: Exertional oscillatory ventilation (EOV) occurs in many patients with chronic heart failure. Two different definitions of EOV have been proposed by Corrá and Leite. We aimed to compare the prevalence of EOV and its prognostic significan... Read More about Impact of different diagnostic criteria on the prevalence and prognostic significance of exertional oscillatory ventilation in patients with chronic heart failure.

Self-rated health and mortality in patients with chronic heart failure (2009)
Journal Article
Farkas, J., Nabb, S., Zaletel-Kragelj, L., Cleland, J. G. F., & Lainscak, M. (2009). Self-rated health and mortality in patients with chronic heart failure. European journal of heart failure, 11(5), 518-524.

AimsIn patients with chronic heart failure (CHF), there is limited information on self-rated health (SRH). We aimed to examine the distribution of SRH and whether SRH is associated with mortality in patients with stable CHF.Methods and resultsWe enro... Read More about Self-rated health and mortality in patients with chronic heart failure.

The prognostic value of individual NT-proBNP values in chronic heart failure does not change with advancing age (2009)
Journal Article
Frankenstein, L., Clark, A. L., Goode, K., Ingle, L., Remppis, A., Schellberg, D., Grabs, F., Nelles, M., Cleland, J. G. F., Katus, H. A., & Zugck, C. (2009). The prognostic value of individual NT-proBNP values in chronic heart failure does not change with advancing age. Heart, 95(10), 825-829.

Background: It is unclear whether age-related increases in N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) represent a normal physiological process - possibly affecting the prognostic power - of NT-proBNP - or reflect age-related subclinical pat... Read More about The prognostic value of individual NT-proBNP values in chronic heart failure does not change with advancing age.

Perception of symptoms is out of proportion to cardiac pathology in patients with "diastolic heart failure" (2008)
Journal Article
Ingle, L., Cleland, J. G., & Clark, A. L. (2008). Perception of symptoms is out of proportion to cardiac pathology in patients with "diastolic heart failure". Heart, 94(6), 748-753.

Background: Epidemiological studies suggest that "diastolic heart failure" (DHF) is common and has a prognosis similar to that of systolic heart failure (SHF). We wanted to assess whether patients with breathlessness who were being treated for DHF ha... Read More about Perception of symptoms is out of proportion to cardiac pathology in patients with "diastolic heart failure".

Combining the ventilatory response to exercise and peak oxygen consumption is no better than peak oxygen consumption alone in predicting mortality in chronic heart failure (2008)
Journal Article
Ingle, L., Witte, K. K., Cleland, J. G. F., & Clark, A. L. (2008). Combining the ventilatory response to exercise and peak oxygen consumption is no better than peak oxygen consumption alone in predicting mortality in chronic heart failure. European journal of heart failure, 10(1), 85-88.

Background: A low peak oxygen uptake (pV(O2)) and steep V-E/V-CO2 slope are independently associated with a worse prognosis in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). We wished to confirm whether combining these variables as a ratio would lead to... Read More about Combining the ventilatory response to exercise and peak oxygen consumption is no better than peak oxygen consumption alone in predicting mortality in chronic heart failure.

Perception of symptoms is out of proportion to cardiac pathology in patients with "diastolic heart failure'' (2007)
Journal Article
Ingle, L., Cleland, J. G. F., & Clark, A. L. (2008). Perception of symptoms is out of proportion to cardiac pathology in patients with "diastolic heart failure''. Heart, 94(6), 748-753.

Background: Epidemiological studies suggest that "diastolic heart failure'' (DHF) is common and has a prognosis similar to that of systolic heart failure (SHF). We wanted to assess whether patients with breathlessness who were being treated for DHF h... Read More about Perception of symptoms is out of proportion to cardiac pathology in patients with "diastolic heart failure''.

The prognostic value of cardiopulmonary exercise testing with a peak respiratory exchange ratio of < 1.0 in patients with chronic heart failure (2007)
Journal Article
Ingle, L., Witte, K. K., Cleland, J. G., & Clark, A. L. (2008). The prognostic value of cardiopulmonary exercise testing with a peak respiratory exchange ratio of < 1.0 in patients with chronic heart failure. International journal of cardiology, 127(1), 88-92.

Background: Peak oxygen consumption derived from a maximal cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) is a standard prognostic indicator in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). Tests with a peak respiratory exchange ratio (pRER) < 1.0 are often tak... Read More about The prognostic value of cardiopulmonary exercise testing with a peak respiratory exchange ratio of < 1.0 in patients with chronic heart failure.

Changes in body composition in patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction initiated on beta-blocker therapy (2007)
Journal Article
Ingle, L., Rigby, A. S., Carroll, S., Butterly, R., King, R. F., Cooke, C. B., Cleland, J. G., & Clark, A. L. (2007). Changes in body composition in patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction initiated on beta-blocker therapy. Experimental and Clinical Cardiology, 12(1), 46-47

Background: Increasing body mass index, cholesterol and body fat are associated with a better prognosis in patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD). Beta-blocker usage is associated with changes in body composition and increased bod... Read More about Changes in body composition in patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction initiated on beta-blocker therapy.