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‘How Long Do I Have?’ – Examining survival outcomes in laryngeal cancer patients managed with non-curative intent in Northern UK: Insights from the Northern Head & Neck Cancer Alliance Retrospective Study (2024)
Journal Article
Rajgor, A., Hurley, R., Douglas, C. M., Paterson, C., Moor, J., Lester, S., Sionis, S., Davies, K., O'Hara, J., Inman, G., Jones, T., Hamilton, D. W., Hill, S., O’Neill, S., McLoughlin, A., Jose, J., Wong, W., Ho, M., Horne, D., Homer, J., …Mandrik, O. (in press). ‘How Long Do I Have?’ – Examining survival outcomes in laryngeal cancer patients managed with non-curative intent in Northern UK: Insights from the Northern Head & Neck Cancer Alliance Retrospective Study. Clinical otolaryngology,

Introduction: Historically, 15% of laryngeal cancer patients undergo non-curative management, but pragmatic data on this group are limited. This information is crucial to help patients make informed decisions about their care. Supported by the Northe... Read More about ‘How Long Do I Have?’ – Examining survival outcomes in laryngeal cancer patients managed with non-curative intent in Northern UK: Insights from the Northern Head & Neck Cancer Alliance Retrospective Study.

A new immunomagnetic microfluidic device for characterizing EGFR mutations in circulating tumor cells from patients withnon-small cell lung cancer (2024)
Journal Article
Ogidi, N. O., Lind, M. J., & Greenman, J. (online). A new immunomagnetic microfluidic device for characterizing EGFR mutations in circulating tumor cells from patients withnon-small cell lung cancer. Tumor Discovery, Article 3987.

ncorporating precision oncology into cancer management has begun to improve clinical outcomes. Accurate sampling techniques that detect molecular aberrations are crucial for effective implementation. Circulating tumor cells (CTCs), derived from prima... Read More about A new immunomagnetic microfluidic device for characterizing EGFR mutations in circulating tumor cells from patients withnon-small cell lung cancer.

The impact of impact: an invitation to philosophize (2024)
Journal Article
Brauer, R., Bjorn, I., Burgess, G., Dymitrow, M., Greenman, J., Grzelak-Kostulska, E., Pöllänen, P., & Williams, T. (in press). The impact of impact: an invitation to philosophize. Minerva,

This position paper argues for the introduction of a philosophy of research impact, as an invitation to think deeply about the implications of the impact agenda. It delves into the transformative influence of prioritizing the end-product of the resea... Read More about The impact of impact: an invitation to philosophize.

An in vitro multi-organ microphysiological system (MPS) to investigate the gut-to-brain translocation of neurotoxins (2024)
Journal Article
Jones, E. J., Skinner, B. M., Parker, A., Baldwin, L. R., Greenman, J., Carding, S. R., & Funnell, S. G. (2024). An in vitro multi-organ microphysiological system (MPS) to investigate the gut-to-brain translocation of neurotoxins. Biomicrofluidics, 18(5), Article 054105.

The death of dopamine-producing neurons in the substantia nigra in the base of the brain is a defining pathological feature in the development of Parkinson's disease (PD). PD is, however, a multi-systemic disease, also affecting the peripheral nervou... Read More about An in vitro multi-organ microphysiological system (MPS) to investigate the gut-to-brain translocation of neurotoxins.