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All Outputs (3)

Gendering cities of culture : city/capital of culture mega-events and the potential for gender equality (2019)
Grabher, B. Gendering cities of culture : city/capital of culture mega-events and the potential for gender equality. (Thesis). University of Hull.

In the context of the transformative ambitions of event-based, culture-led urban regeneration, this thesis interrogates the production of cultures of gender equality in City/ Capital of Culture mega-events. Inspired by Donostia/ San Sebastián as Euro... Read More about Gendering cities of culture : city/capital of culture mega-events and the potential for gender equality.

Representations of disability : a study of how people with an impairment are portrayed in equality and diversity training in UK higher education institutions (2019)
Kember, M. Representations of disability : a study of how people with an impairment are portrayed in equality and diversity training in UK higher education institutions. (Thesis). University of Hull.

[From the introduction]:
The aim of this doctoral thesis was to consider how, if at all, professional staff development practitioners in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the United Kingdom (UK) design and deliver equality and diversity (E&D)... Read More about Representations of disability : a study of how people with an impairment are portrayed in equality and diversity training in UK higher education institutions.

The language of the human rights of children : a critical discourse analysis (2019)
Dunhill, A. The language of the human rights of children : a critical discourse analysis. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is an international treaty addressing the human rights of children. The Convention can be seen as the language of the human rights of children. Children are becoming more engaged and participat... Read More about The language of the human rights of children : a critical discourse analysis.