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Heat induces multiomic and phenotypic stress propagation in zebrafish embryos (2023)
Journal Article
Feugere, L., Bates, A., Emagbetere, T., Chapman, E., Malcolm, L., Bulmer, K., Hardege, J., Beltran-Alvarez, P., & Wollenberg Valero, K. C. (2023). Heat induces multiomic and phenotypic stress propagation in zebrafish embryos. PNAS Nexus, 2(5), Article pgad137.

Heat alters biology from molecular to ecological levels, but may also have unknown indirect effects. This includes the concept that animals exposed to abiotic stress can induce stress in naive receivers. Here, we provide a comprehensive picture of th... Read More about Heat induces multiomic and phenotypic stress propagation in zebrafish embryos.