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The danger of subverting students’ views in schools (2015)
Journal Article
Messiou, K., & Hope, M. A. (2015). The danger of subverting students’ views in schools. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 19(10), 1009-1021.

This paper is firmly grounded in the position that engaging with students’ voices in schools is central to the development of inclusive practices. It explores the tensions that can be created when efforts are made to engage with students’ voices in r... Read More about The danger of subverting students’ views in schools.

An exploration of the impact of pupil grouping on peer relationships in three primary schools : implications for inclusion (2015)
Adderley, R. J. An exploration of the impact of pupil grouping on peer relationships in three primary schools : implications for inclusion. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This empirical study took place over one academic year, in three primary schools in the North of England, with a total of 189 Year 5 and Year 6 children. Child voice was central to the research design and was used to explore the impact of pupil group... Read More about An exploration of the impact of pupil grouping on peer relationships in three primary schools : implications for inclusion.