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High-intensity interval training in patients with intermittent claudication (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pymer, S., Harwood, A. E., Prosser, J., Waddell, A., Rhavindhran, B., McGregor, G., Ibeggazene, S., Huang, C., Twiddy, M., Nicholls, A. R., Ingle, L., Carroll, S., He, H., Long, J., Rooms, M., & Chetter, I. C. High-intensity interval training in patients with intermittent claudication. Presented at 2022 Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland Annual Scientific Meeting, Brighton, UK

Objective: Provision, uptake, adherence, and completion rates for supervised exercise programs (SEP) for intermittent claudication (IC) are low. A shorter, more time-efficient, 6-week, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) program may be an effecti... Read More about High-intensity interval training in patients with intermittent claudication.

Serum transthyretin and aminotransferases are associated with lean mass in people with coronary heart disease: Further insights from the CARE-CR study (2023)
Journal Article
James, E., Goodall, S., Nichols, S., Walker, K., Carroll, S., O’Doherty, A. F., & Ingle, L. (2023). Serum transthyretin and aminotransferases are associated with lean mass in people with coronary heart disease: Further insights from the CARE-CR study. Frontiers in Medicine, 10, Article 1094733.

Background: Low muscle mass disproportionately affects people with coronary heart disease compared to healthy controls but is under-researched and insufficiently treated. Inflammation, poor nutrition, and neural decline might contribute to low muscle... Read More about Serum transthyretin and aminotransferases are associated with lean mass in people with coronary heart disease: Further insights from the CARE-CR study.

High-intensity interval training in cardiac rehabilitation: a multi-centre randomized controlled trial (2023)
Journal Article
McGregor, G., Powell, R., Begg, B., Birkett, S. T., Nichols, S., Ennis, S., McGuire, S., Prosser, J., Fiassam, O., Hee, S. W., Hamborg, T., Banerjee, P., Hartfiel, N., Charles, J. M., Edwards, R. T., Drane, A., Ali, D., Osman, F., He, H., Lachlan, T., …Shave, R. (2023). High-intensity interval training in cardiac rehabilitation: a multi-centre randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 30(9), 745-755.

BACKGROUND: There is a lack of international consensus regarding the prescription of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) for people with coronary artery disease (CAD) attending cardiac rehabilitation (CR). AIMS: To assess the clinical effectivene... Read More about High-intensity interval training in cardiac rehabilitation: a multi-centre randomized controlled trial.