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All Outputs (49)

Temporal and spatial variation in distribution of fish environmental DNA in England’s largest lake (2019)
Journal Article
Lawson Handley, L., Read, D. S., Winfield, I. J., Kimbell, H., Johnson, H., Li, J., Hahn, C., Blackman, R., Wilcox, R., Donnelly, R., Szitenberg, A., & Hänfling, B. (2019). Temporal and spatial variation in distribution of fish environmental DNA in England’s largest lake. Environmental DNA, 1(1), 26-39.

Environmental DNA offers great potential as a biodiversity monitoring tool. Previous work has demonstrated that eDNA metabarcoding provides reliable information for lake fish monitoring, but important questions remain about temporal and spatial repea... Read More about Temporal and spatial variation in distribution of fish environmental DNA in England’s largest lake.

Rapid biodiversity monitoring of freshwater ponds using environmental DNA : traversing the aquatic-terrestrial boundary in pondscapes (2018)
Harper, L. R. Rapid biodiversity monitoring of freshwater ponds using environmental DNA : traversing the aquatic-terrestrial boundary in pondscapes. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis is transforming biodiversity monitoring in aquatic ecosystems with immense potential to inform their conservation and management. eDNA analysis is rapid, non-invasive, cost-efficient, and often more accurate and sens... Read More about Rapid biodiversity monitoring of freshwater ponds using environmental DNA : traversing the aquatic-terrestrial boundary in pondscapes.

Prospects and challenges of environmental DNA (eDNA) monitoring in freshwater ponds (2018)
Journal Article
Harper, L. R., Buxton, A. S., Rees, H. C., Bruce, K., Brys, R., Halfmaerten, D., Read, D. S., Watson, H. V., Sayer, C. D., Jones, E. P., Priestley, V., Mächler, E., Múrria, C., Garcés-Pastor, S., Medupin, C., Burgess, K., Benson, G., Boonham, N., Griffiths, R. A., Lawson Handley, L., & Hänfling, B. (2019). Prospects and challenges of environmental DNA (eDNA) monitoring in freshwater ponds. Hydrobiologia, 826(1), 25-41.

© 2018, The Author(s). Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis is a rapid, non-invasive, cost-efficient biodiversity monitoring tool with enormous potential to inform aquatic conservation and management. Development is ongoing, with strong commercial inter... Read More about Prospects and challenges of environmental DNA (eDNA) monitoring in freshwater ponds.

The genomic basis of color pattern polymorphism in the Harlequin ladybird (2018)
Journal Article
Gautier, M., Yamaguchi, J., Foucaud, J., Loiseau, A., Ausset, A., Facon, B., Gschloessl, B., Lagnel, J., Loire, E., Parrinello, H., Severac, D., Lopez-Roques, C., Donnadieu, C., Manno, M., Berges, H., Gharbi, K., Lawson-Handley, L., Zang, L.-S., Vogel, H., Estoup, A., & Prud'homme, B. (2018). The genomic basis of color pattern polymorphism in the Harlequin ladybird. Current biology : CB, 28(20), 3296-3302.e7.

© 2018 The Authors Many animal species comprise discrete phenotypic forms. A common example in natural populations of insects is the occurrence of different color patterns, which has motivated a rich body of ecological and genetic research [1–6]. The... Read More about The genomic basis of color pattern polymorphism in the Harlequin ladybird.

The effect of filtration method on the efficiency of environmental DNA capture and quantification via metabarcoding (2018)
Journal Article
Li, J., Lawson Handley, L. J., Read, D. S., & Hänfling, B. (2018). The effect of filtration method on the efficiency of environmental DNA capture and quantification via metabarcoding. Molecular Ecology Resources, 18(5), 1102-1114.

© 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Environmental DNA (eDNA) is a promising tool for rapid and noninvasive biodiversity monitoring. eDNA density is low in environmental samples, and a capture method, such as filtration, is often required to concentrate e... Read More about The effect of filtration method on the efficiency of environmental DNA capture and quantification via metabarcoding.

Needle in a haystack? A comparison of eDNA metabarcoding and targeted qPCR for detection of the great crested newt (Triturus cristatus) (2018)
Journal Article
Harper, L. R., Lawson Handley, L., Hahn, C., Boonham, N., Rees, H. C., Gough, K. C., Lewis, E., Adams, I. P., Brotherton, P., Phillips, S., & Hänfling, B. (2018). Needle in a haystack? A comparison of eDNA metabarcoding and targeted qPCR for detection of the great crested newt (Triturus cristatus). Ecology and Evolution, 8(12), 6330-6341.

Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis is a rapid, cost‐effective, non‐invasive biodiversity monitoring tool which utilises DNA left behind in the environment by organisms for species detection. The method is used as a species‐specific survey tool for rar... Read More about Needle in a haystack? A comparison of eDNA metabarcoding and targeted qPCR for detection of the great crested newt (Triturus cristatus).

Detection of a new non-native freshwater species by DNA metabarcoding of environmental samples — first record of Gammarus fossarum in the UK (2017)
Journal Article
Blackman, R. C., Constable, D., Hahn, C., Sheard, A. M., Durkota, J., Hänfling, B., & Handley, L. L. (2017). Detection of a new non-native freshwater species by DNA metabarcoding of environmental samples — first record of Gammarus fossarum in the UK. Aquatic Invasions, 12(2), 177-189.

© 2017 The Author(s). and 2017 REABIC. We report the discovery of a non-native gammarid, Gammarus fossarum (Koch, 1836) (Crustacea, Amphipoda), in UK rivers. Gammarus fossarum is a common freshwater gammarid in many parts of mainland Europe, but was... Read More about Detection of a new non-native freshwater species by DNA metabarcoding of environmental samples — first record of Gammarus fossarum in the UK.

Genetic evidence challenges the native status of a threatened freshwater fish (Carassius carassius) in England (2017)
Journal Article
Jeffries, D. L., Copp, G. H., Maes, G. E., Lawson Handley, L., Sayer, C. D., & Hänfling, B. (2017). Genetic evidence challenges the native status of a threatened freshwater fish (Carassius carassius) in England. Ecology and Evolution, 7(9), 2871-2882.

© 2017 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. A fundamental consideration for the conservation of a species is the extent of its native range, that is, regions naturally colonized. However, both natural processes and... Read More about Genetic evidence challenges the native status of a threatened freshwater fish (Carassius carassius) in England.

Environmental DNA metabarcoding of lake fish communities reflects long-term data from established survey methods (2016)
Journal Article
Hänfling, B., Lawson Handley, L., Read, D. S., Hahn, C., Li, J., Nichols, P., Blackman, R. C., Oliver, A., & Winfield, I. J. (2016). Environmental DNA metabarcoding of lake fish communities reflects long-term data from established survey methods. Molecular ecology, 25(13), 3101-3119.

Organisms continuously release DNA into their environments via shed cells, excreta, gametes and decaying material. Analysis of this ‘environmental DNA’ (eDNA) is revolutionizing biodiversity monitoring. eDNA outperforms many established survey method... Read More about Environmental DNA metabarcoding of lake fish communities reflects long-term data from established survey methods.

Comparing RADseq and microsatellites to infer complex phylogeographic patterns, an empirical perspective in the Crucian carp, Carassius carassius, L. (2016)
Journal Article
Jeffries, D. L., Copp, G. H., Lawson Handley, L., Olsén, K. H., Sayer, C. D., & Hänfling, B. (2016). Comparing RADseq and microsatellites to infer complex phylogeographic patterns, an empirical perspective in the Crucian carp, Carassius carassius, L. Molecular ecology, 25(13), 2997-3018.

The conservation of threatened species must be underpinned by phylogeographic knowledge. This need is epitomized by the freshwater fish Carassius carassius, which is in decline across much of its European range. Restriction site-associated DNA sequen... Read More about Comparing RADseq and microsatellites to infer complex phylogeographic patterns, an empirical perspective in the Crucian carp, Carassius carassius, L..

The globalization of naval provisioning: ancient DNA and stable isotope analyses of stored cod from the wreck of the Mary Rose, AD 1545 (2015)
Journal Article
Hutchinson, W. F., Culling, M., Orton, D. C., Hänfling, B., Handley, L. L., Hamilton-Dyer, S., O'Connell, T. C., Richards, M. P., & Barrett, J. H. (2015). The globalization of naval provisioning: ancient DNA and stable isotope analyses of stored cod from the wreck of the Mary Rose, AD 1545. Royal Society Open Science, 2(9), 150199.

© 2015 The Authors. A comparison of ancient DNA (single-nucleotide polymorphisms) and carbon and nitrogen stable isotope evidence suggests that stored cod provisions recovered from the wreck of the Tudor warship Mary Rose, which sank in the Solent, s... Read More about The globalization of naval provisioning: ancient DNA and stable isotope analyses of stored cod from the wreck of the Mary Rose, AD 1545.

How will the 'molecular revolution' contribute to biological recording? (2015)
Journal Article
Lawson Handley, L. (2015). How will the 'molecular revolution' contribute to biological recording?. Biological journal of the Linnean Society, 115(3), 750-766.

© 2015 The Linnean Society of London. Soaring throughput, plummeting costs, and increased sensitivity for assaying degraded or low-concentration DNA are driving a revolution in the way that we monitor biodiversity. Arguably the biggest 'game-changer'... Read More about How will the 'molecular revolution' contribute to biological recording?.

Genetic and genomic approaches to the conservation of the threatened crucian carp Carassius carassius (L.) : phylogeography, hybridisation and introgression (2015)
Jeffries, D. L. Genetic and genomic approaches to the conservation of the threatened crucian carp Carassius carassius (L.) : phylogeography, hybridisation and introgression. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Biological invasions can have dramatic detrimental impacts on ecosystems, however they also represent rich opportunities to study the evolutionary processes associated with them. Hybridisation and subsequent introgression are two such processes and a... Read More about Genetic and genomic approaches to the conservation of the threatened crucian carp Carassius carassius (L.) : phylogeography, hybridisation and introgression.

Cannibalism in invasive, native and biocontrol populations of the harlequin ladybird (2014)
Journal Article
Tayeh, A., Estoup, A., Lombaert, E., Guillemaud, T., Kirichenko, N., Lawson-Handley, L., De Clercq, P., & Facon, B. (2014). Cannibalism in invasive, native and biocontrol populations of the harlequin ladybird. BMC evolutionary biology, 14(1), Article 15.

Cannibalism is widespread in both vertebrates and invertebrates but its extent is variable between and within species. Cannibalism depends on population density and nutritional conditions, and could be beneficial during colonisation of new... Read More about Cannibalism in invasive, native and biocontrol populations of the harlequin ladybird.

Genetic factors affecting establishment during invasions : the introduction of the topmouth gudgeon (Pseudorasbora parva) and the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Europe (2012)
Simon, A. Genetic factors affecting establishment during invasions : the introduction of the topmouth gudgeon (Pseudorasbora parva) and the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Europe. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The study of biological invasions is a major research topic, both because of the ecological and economical damage caused by invasive species and also as a great natural experiment to study evolutionary responses of non-native populations to their new... Read More about Genetic factors affecting establishment during invasions : the introduction of the topmouth gudgeon (Pseudorasbora parva) and the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Europe.

Inferring the origin of populations introduced from a genetically structured native range by approximate Bayesian computation: case study of the invasive ladybird Harmonia axyridis. (2011)
Journal Article
Lombaert, E., Guillemaud, T., Thomas, C. E., Lawson Handley, L. J., Li, J., Wang, S., Pang, H., Goryacheva, I., Zakharov, I. A., Jousselin, E., Poland, R. L., Migeon, A., Van Lenteren, J., De Clercq, P., Berkvens, N., Jones, W., & Estoup, A. (2011). Inferring the origin of populations introduced from a genetically structured native range by approximate Bayesian computation: case study of the invasive ladybird Harmonia axyridis. Molecular ecology, 20(22), 4654-4670.

Correct identification of the source population of an invasive species is a prerequisite for testing hypotheses concerning the factors responsible for biological invasions. The native area of invasive species may be large, poorly known and/or genetic... Read More about Inferring the origin of populations introduced from a genetically structured native range by approximate Bayesian computation: case study of the invasive ladybird Harmonia axyridis..

Ecological genetics of invasive alien species (2011)
Journal Article
Lawson Handley, L.-J., Estoup, A., Evans, D. M., Thomas, C. E., Lombaert, E., Facon, B., Aebi, A., & Roy, H. E. (2011). Ecological genetics of invasive alien species. BioControl, 56(4), 409-428.

There is growing realisation that integrating genetics and ecology is critical in the context of biological invasions, since the two are explicitly linked. So far, the focus of ecological genetics of invasive alien species (IAS) has been on determini... Read More about Ecological genetics of invasive alien species.

The value of an egg: Resource reallocation in ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) infected with male-killing bacteria (2011)
Journal Article
Elnagdy, S., Majerus, M., & Lawson Handley, L.-J. (2011). The value of an egg: Resource reallocation in ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) infected with male-killing bacteria. Journal of evolutionary biology, 24(10), 2164-2172.

Male‐killing bacteria are thought to persist in host populations by vertical transmission and conferring direct and/or indirect fitness benefits to their hosts. Here, we test the role of indirect fitness benefits accrued from resource reallocation in... Read More about The value of an egg: Resource reallocation in ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) infected with male-killing bacteria.