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All Outputs (2)

Environmental DNA (eDNA) monitoring of priority conservation fish species in UK lentic ecosystems (2020)
Di Muri, C. Environmental DNA (eDNA) monitoring of priority conservation fish species in UK lentic ecosystems. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Freshwater environments cover only a tiny fraction of the planet’s surface, yet they are biodiversity hotspots and support almost half of the global fish diversity, including globally and locally endangered species. In the UK, three species of nation... Read More about Environmental DNA (eDNA) monitoring of priority conservation fish species in UK lentic ecosystems.

Untangling molecular food webs of non-native invertebrates and their communities (2020)
Benucci, M. Untangling molecular food webs of non-native invertebrates and their communities. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Invasive non-native species (INNS) are one of the main drivers of biodiversity loss globally, however to what extent INNS predators modify and utilise the invaded communities is still debated. This is particularly the case for arthropod INNS whose tr... Read More about Untangling molecular food webs of non-native invertebrates and their communities.