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All Outputs (2)

Snitches get Stitches and End up in Ditches: A Systematic Review of the Factors Associated with Whistleblowing Intentions (2021)
Journal Article
Nicholls, A. R., Fairs, L. R., Toner, J., Jones, L., Mantis, C., Barkoukis, V., Perry, J. L., Micle, A. V., Theodorou, N. C., Shakhverdieva, S., Stoicescu, M., Vesic, M. V., Dikic, N., Andjelkovic, M., Muñoz-Guerra Revilla, J., Grimau, E. G., Martínez, M. A., Amigo, J. A., & Schomöller, A. (2021). Snitches get Stitches and End up in Ditches: A Systematic Review of the Factors Associated with Whistleblowing Intentions. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Article 631538.

Blowing the whistle on corruption or wrongdoing can facilitate the detection, investigation, and then prosecution of a violation that may have otherwise gone undetected. The purpose of this systematic review was to identify the factors that are assoc... Read More about Snitches get Stitches and End up in Ditches: A Systematic Review of the Factors Associated with Whistleblowing Intentions.

‘I guess I was surprised by an app telling an adult they had to go to bed before half ten’: a phenomenological exploration of behavioural ‘nudges’ (2021)
Journal Article
Toner, J., Allen-Collinson, J., & Jones, L. (2022). ‘I guess I was surprised by an app telling an adult they had to go to bed before half ten’: a phenomenological exploration of behavioural ‘nudges’. Qualitative research in sport, exercise and health, 14(3), 413-427.

In recent years, the role of self-tracking technologies has been investigated, debated and critiqued within qualitative research circles. The principal means by which self-tracking technologies seek to promote health-related behaviours and behaviour... Read More about ‘I guess I was surprised by an app telling an adult they had to go to bed before half ten’: a phenomenological exploration of behavioural ‘nudges’.