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All Outputs (31)

History, Debates and Key Reference Works of Cultural Studies in Europe (2020)
Book Chapter
García-Jiménez, L., Hernandez-Perez, M., & Subtil, F. (2020). History, Debates and Key Reference Works of Cultural Studies in Europe. In F. Oliveira Paulino, G. Kaplún, M. Vicente Mariño, & C. Leonardo (Eds.), Research traditions in dialogue. Communication Studies in Latin America and Europe (123-152). Media XXI

This chapter outlines some of the main features that characterize cultural studies in Europe by providing a historical, theoretical, and bibliographical review of their main authors, debates, and texts. In particular, we start by tracing historically... Read More about History, Debates and Key Reference Works of Cultural Studies in Europe.

The International Nature of Cultural Studies (2020)
Book Chapter
Custodio, L., Vicente Mariño, M., García-Jiménez, L., Hernandez-Perez, M., Subtil, F., & Rizo, M. (2020). The International Nature of Cultural Studies. In F. Oliveira Paulino, . G. Kaplún, M. Vicente Mariño, & L. Custódio (Eds.), Research Traditions in Dialogue: Communication Studies in Latin America and Europe (179-184). Media XXI

The Anime Boom in the United States. Lessons for Global Creative Industries by Michal Daliot-Bul and Nissim Otmazgin. Reviewed by Manuel Hernandez-Perez. (2020)
Journal Article
Hernandez-Perez, M. (2020). The Anime Boom in the United States. Lessons for Global Creative Industries by Michal Daliot-Bul and Nissim Otmazgin. Reviewed by Manuel Hernandez-Perez. International Journal of Communication, 14, 5001-5003

Hernández-Pérez, M. (2020). The Anime Boom in the United States. Lessons for Global Creative Industries by Michal Daliot-Bul and Nissim Otmazgin. Reviewed by Manuel Hernandez-Perez. International Journal of Communication, 14, 5001-5003. doi:1932–8036... Read More about The Anime Boom in the United States. Lessons for Global Creative Industries by Michal Daliot-Bul and Nissim Otmazgin. Reviewed by Manuel Hernandez-Perez..

Examining social networking site narratives between government and youth on entrepreneurship : the case of relationship development in Egypt (2020)
Arslan, M. A. I. Examining social networking site narratives between government and youth on entrepreneurship : the case of relationship development in Egypt. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Analysis of the ways in which SNS (Social Networking Sites) are used by governments, organisations and everyday users has over the past ten years been of significant interest to academic researchers. Part of this analysis of use has included understa... Read More about Examining social networking site narratives between government and youth on entrepreneurship : the case of relationship development in Egypt.

Book Review: Contemporary Culture and Media in Asia by Daniel Black, Olivia Khoo, and Koichi Iwabuchi and Telemodernities: Television and Transforming Lives in Asia by Tania Lewis, Fran Martin, and Wanning Sun (2019)
Journal Article
Hernández-Pérez, M. (2019). Book Review: Contemporary Culture and Media in Asia by Daniel Black, Olivia Khoo, and Koichi Iwabuchi and Telemodernities: Television and Transforming Lives in Asia by Tania Lewis, Fran Martin, and Wanning Sun. Journalism & mass communication quarterly, 96(3), 940-942.

Looking into the “Anime Global Popular” and the “Manga Media”. Reflections on the scholarship of a transnational and transmedia industry. (2019)
Journal Article
Hernandez-Perez, M. (2019). Looking into the “Anime Global Popular” and the “Manga Media”. Reflections on the scholarship of a transnational and transmedia industry. Arts, 8(2), 1-14.

This article introduces the special issue dedicated to global industries around anime, its theoretical commentary and its cross-cultural consumption. The concepts “anime” and “anime studies” are evaluated critically, involving current debates such as... Read More about Looking into the “Anime Global Popular” and the “Manga Media”. Reflections on the scholarship of a transnational and transmedia industry..

Japón para otakus (2019)
Hernandez-Perez, M., & Santiago Iglesias, J. A. (2019). Japón para otakus. Diabolo

Book review: Manga and Anime Go to Hollywood: The Amazing Rapidly Evolving Relationship between Hollywood and Japanese Animation, Manga, Television, and Film (2018)
Journal Article
Hernandez-Perez, M. (2018). Book review: Manga and Anime Go to Hollywood: The Amazing Rapidly Evolving Relationship between Hollywood and Japanese Animation, Manga, Television, and Film. Animation : an interdisciplinary journal, 13(3), 252-254.

Book review: Manga and Anime Go to Hollywood: The Amazing Rapidly Evolving Relationship between Hollywood and Japanese Animation, Manga, Television, and Film

Japan: Fictionality, transmedia national branding and the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games (2018)
Book Chapter
Hernández-Pérez, M. (2018). Japan: Fictionality, transmedia national branding and the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. In M. Freeman, & W. Proctor (Eds.), Global Convergence Cultures: Transmedia Earth (175-191). Routledge.

The chapter aims to examine the concept of transmediality (or cross-mediality) in relation to institutional communication in Japan. To do this, it examines several case studies within the current Japanese society, with special attention to crisis co... Read More about Japan: Fictionality, transmedia national branding and the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.

Book Review: Authenticity and How We Fake It: Belief and Subjectivity in Reality TV, Facebook and YouTube by Aaron Duplantier (2018)
Journal Article
Hernandez-Perez, M. (2018). Book Review: Authenticity and How We Fake It: Belief and Subjectivity in Reality TV, Facebook and YouTube by Aaron Duplantier. Journalism & mass communication quarterly, 95(3), 853-855.

TV reality shows, so popular at the end of the nineties, gave rise to a fruitful academic tradition of which this book forms a part. Aaron Duplantier, a PhD in English and currently an instructor at the University of Houston, contributes to this trad... Read More about Book Review: Authenticity and How We Fake It: Belief and Subjectivity in Reality TV, Facebook and YouTube by Aaron Duplantier.

Review. Northrop Davis, Manga & Anime go to Hollywood. The Amazing Rapidly Evolving Relationship between Hollywood and Japanese Animation, Manga, Television, and Film. (2018)
Journal Article
Hernandez-Perez, M. (in press). Review. Northrop Davis, Manga & Anime go to Hollywood. The Amazing Rapidly Evolving Relationship between Hollywood and Japanese Animation, Manga, Television, and Film. Animation : an interdisciplinary journal, 13(3),

Review. Northrop Davis, Manga & Anime go to Hollywood. The Amazing Rapidly Evolving Relationship between Hollywood and Japanese Animation, Manga, Television, and Film

'Thinking of Spain in a flat way:' visiting Spain and Spanish cultural heritage through contemporary Japanese anime (2017)
Journal Article
Hernandez-Perez, M. (2017). 'Thinking of Spain in a flat way:' visiting Spain and Spanish cultural heritage through contemporary Japanese anime. Mutual Images, 3, 43-69

This article contextualizes the representation of Spain and Spanish culture among Japanese cultural producers, particularly through the production of Japanese commercial animation (commonly named anime). Toward that goal, it provides a historical bac... Read More about 'Thinking of Spain in a flat way:' visiting Spain and Spanish cultural heritage through contemporary Japanese anime.

Fictionality and tourism in the construction of National Images. Studies on Japanese anime representations of Spain (Poster) (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hernández-Pérez, M. (2017, December). Fictionality and tourism in the construction of National Images. Studies on Japanese anime representations of Spain (Poster). Paper presented at XII CONGRESO NACIONAL Y III CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE LA ASOCIACIÓN DE ESTUDIOS JAPONESES EN ESPAÑA (AEJE) 2016 TEMA: “El turismo como vía de conocimiento y desarrollo”

PROPOSAL PRESENTED It is a fact that one of the biggest attractions of modern Japanese culture lies in its immense, outstanding cultural capital. In recent years, the fascination that Japan has on our collective imagination has been stimulated, even... Read More about Fictionality and tourism in the construction of National Images. Studies on Japanese anime representations of Spain (Poster).