Pleasant emotions widen thought-action repertoires, develop long-term resources, and improve reaction time performance: A multi-study examination of the Broaden-and-Build theory among athletes
Journal Article
Perry, J. L., Burke, R., Toner, J., Thompson, M., & Nicholls, A. R. (2021). Pleasant emotions widen thought-action repertoires, develop long-term resources, and improve reaction time performance: A multi-study examination of the Broaden-and-Build theory among athletes. Journal of sport & exercise psychology, 43(2), 155-170.
The authors investigated relationships between emotions, coping, and resilience across two studies. In Study 1a, 319 athletes completed dispositional questionnaires relating to the aforementioned constructs. In Study 1b, 126 athletes from Study 1a re... Read More about Pleasant emotions widen thought-action repertoires, develop long-term resources, and improve reaction time performance: A multi-study examination of the Broaden-and-Build theory among athletes.