The role of the zygomaticomaxillary suture in modulating strain distribution within the skull of Macaca fascicularis
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fitton, L., O'Higgins, P., & Fagan, M. The role of the zygomaticomaxillary suture in modulating strain distribution within the skull of Macaca fascicularis
All Outputs (7)
The role of sutures in modulating strain distribution within the skull of Macaca fascicularis (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fitton, L., O'Higgins, P., & Fagan, M. The role of sutures in modulating strain distribution within the skull of Macaca fascicularis
The effect of variations in muscle positions in a complex biomechanical model of a macaque skull (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Shi, J., Fitton, L., Curtis, N., O'Higgins, P., & Fagan, M. The effect of variations in muscle positions in a complex biomechanical model of a macaque skull
Mind the gap. A finite element study of the retromolar space and its relation to cortical thickness distribution in the mandibular ramus (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gröning, F., O'Higgins, P., & Fagan, M. Mind the gap. A finite element study of the retromolar space and its relation to cortical thickness distribution in the mandibular ramus
Changing faces: an examination of robust craniofacial features in Macaca majori and implications for the hominid fossil record (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
O'Higgins, P., & Fagan, M. Changing faces: an examination of robust craniofacial features in Macaca majori and implications for the hominid fossil record
Facial mechanics in early hominins: a study combining geometric morphometrics and finite elements analysis (2009)
Journal Article
Groening, F., Phillips, R., Cobb, S., & Fagan, M. (2009). Facial mechanics in early hominins: a study combining geometric morphometrics and finite elements analysis. American journal of physical anthropology, 138(48), 201 - 202
A single-channel telemetric intramedullary nail for in vivo measurement of fracture healing (2009)
Journal Article
Wilson, D. J., Morgan, R. L., Hesselden, K. L., Dodd, J. R., Janna, S. W., & Fagan, M. J. (2009). A single-channel telemetric intramedullary nail for in vivo measurement of fracture healing. Journal of orthopaedic trauma, 23(10), 702-709. The objective of this study was to develop a single-channel telemetric intramedullary nail that measures anterior-posterior bending strains and determine whether these forces decrease sigmoidally when normalized to the ground reaction forc... Read More about A single-channel telemetric intramedullary nail for in vivo measurement of fracture healing.