A virtual approach to evaluate therapies for management of multiple myeloma induced bone disease: Modelling Therapies for Multiple Myeloma Induced Bone Disease
Journal Article
Ji, B., Genever, P. G., & Fagan, M. J. (2016). A virtual approach to evaluate therapies for management of multiple myeloma induced bone disease: Modelling Therapies for Multiple Myeloma Induced Bone Disease. International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering, 32(3), e02735. https://doi.org/10.1002/cnm.2735
Multiple myeloma bone disease is devastating for patients and a major cause of morbidity. The disease leads to bone destruction by inhibiting osteoblast activity while stimulating osteoclast activity. Recent advances in multiple myeloma research have... Read More about A virtual approach to evaluate therapies for management of multiple myeloma induced bone disease: Modelling Therapies for Multiple Myeloma Induced Bone Disease.