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All Outputs (4)

Parenteral nutrition and venting gastrostomy in the management of malignant bowel obstruction (2024)
Patterson, M. J. Parenteral nutrition and venting gastrostomy in the management of malignant bowel obstruction. (Thesis). Hull York Medical School.

Background: Malignant bowel obstruction (MBO) is a distressing complication of gastrointestinal, gynaecological and other cancers causing severe pain, intractable nausea and vomiting, anorexia, and death. There are no agreed best approaches for sympt... Read More about Parenteral nutrition and venting gastrostomy in the management of malignant bowel obstruction.

Determination of epithelial growth factor receptor mutations in circulatory tumour cells from non-small cell lung cancer patients isolated using a novel microfluidic device (2022)
Ogidi, N. O. Determination of epithelial growth factor receptor mutations in circulatory tumour cells from non-small cell lung cancer patients isolated using a novel microfluidic device. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Patients with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) sensitizing mutations in non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) receive benefit from Tyrosine Kinase inhibitors. Accurate selection of patients before treatment is highly dependent on precise molecula... Read More about Determination of epithelial growth factor receptor mutations in circulatory tumour cells from non-small cell lung cancer patients isolated using a novel microfluidic device.

The detection and assessment of malnutrition, sarcopenia and cachexia, in older adults with cancer (2022)
Bullock, A. F. The detection and assessment of malnutrition, sarcopenia and cachexia, in older adults with cancer. (Thesis). Hull York Medical School.

Background: Older adults with cancer are a complex and growing population requiring tailored care to achieve optimum treatment outcomes. However, their care is complicated by underrecognised
and under-treated nutrition-related wasting disorders: mal... Read More about The detection and assessment of malnutrition, sarcopenia and cachexia, in older adults with cancer.

Developing an evidence-based system to facilitate the predictive assessment and optimisation of older adults with cancer (2021)
McKenzie, G. A. G. Developing an evidence-based system to facilitate the predictive assessment and optimisation of older adults with cancer. (Thesis). The University of Hull and the University of York.

Introduction: Older adults with cancer have worse outcomes than their younger counterparts, including higher postoperative complications, chemotherapy toxicity and treatment allocation to best supportive care. Oncogeriatric assessment (OGA) can provi... Read More about Developing an evidence-based system to facilitate the predictive assessment and optimisation of older adults with cancer.