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Investigating protein arginine methylation in platelets and hair (2023)
Marsden, A. J. Investigating protein arginine methylation in platelets and hair. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Post-translational modification (PTM) of platelet proteins has long been known to have an effect on their ability to aggregate and form a thrombus. Arginine methylation (ArgMe) is catalysed by protein arginine methyltransferases (PRMTs) which... Read More about Investigating protein arginine methylation in platelets and hair.

Investigating the effects of arginine methylation inhibitors on microdissected brain tumour biopsies maintained in a miniaturised perfusion system (2023)
Journal Article
Barry, A., Samuel, S. F., Hosni, I., Moursi, A., Feugere, L., Sennett, C. J., Deepak, S., Achawal, S., Rajaraman, C., Iles, A., Wollenberg Valero, K. C., Scott, I. S., Green, V., Stead, L. F., Greenman, J., Wade, M. A., & Beltran-Alvarez, P. (2023). Investigating the effects of arginine methylation inhibitors on microdissected brain tumour biopsies maintained in a miniaturised perfusion system. Lab on a chip, 23(11), 2664-2682.

Arginine methylation is a post-translational modification that consists of the transfer of one or two methyl (CH3) groups to arginine residues in proteins. Several types of arginine methylation occur, namely monomethylation, symmetric dimethylation a... Read More about Investigating the effects of arginine methylation inhibitors on microdissected brain tumour biopsies maintained in a miniaturised perfusion system.