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All Outputs (2)

Rethinking presence : a grounded theory of nurses and teleconsultation (2015)
Barrett, D. 1. Rethinking presence : a grounded theory of nurses and teleconsultation. (Thesis). University of Hull.

[Introduction]: Ensuring the provision of equitable, high quality care is becoming progressively more challenging in a context of an ageing population, increased prevalence of long term conditions and a prolonged period of public spending austerity.... Read More about Rethinking presence : a grounded theory of nurses and teleconsultation.

Motivations, migration and experiences of black African nurses in the United Kingdom (2011)
Likupe, G. Motivations, migration and experiences of black African nurses in the United Kingdom. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis explores experiences of black African nurses from sub-Saharan Africa in the UK. The exploration starts with motivational factors which cause black African nurses to migrate, as it is argued that migration trajectories have an influence on... Read More about Motivations, migration and experiences of black African nurses in the United Kingdom.