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All Outputs (89)

A democratic dialogue? Parliament and human rights in the United Kingdom (2013)
Journal Article
Norton, P. (2013). A democratic dialogue? Parliament and human rights in the United Kingdom. Asia Pacific Law Review, 21(2), 141-166.

© LexisNexis, 2013. The protection of human rights is an inherent feature of a liberaldemocracy, but there is the potential for conflict between the legislature as the representative body of the people and the courts as the interpreters of the laws p... Read More about A democratic dialogue? Parliament and human rights in the United Kingdom.

Enoch Powell (2012)
Book Chapter
Lord Norton of Louth, P. (2012). Enoch Powell. In Eminent Parliamentarians: the speaker's lectures (132 - 158). Biteback Publishing

Introduction (2012)
Book Chapter
Lord Norton of Louth, P. (2012). Introduction. In P. Norton (Ed.), Eminent parliamentarians: the Speaker's lectures (1-11). Biteback Publishing

The introduction chapter explains why genre study provides a compelling theoretical and methodological framework for studying East Asian and transnational cinemas. It presents an overview of the development of genre study and identifies three interre... Read More about Introduction.

Resisting the Inevitable? The Parliament Act 1911 (2012)
Journal Article
Norton, P. (2012). Resisting the Inevitable? The Parliament Act 1911. Parliamentary History, 31(3), 444-459.

The Parliament Act 1911, limiting the veto power of the house of lords, constitutes a major piece of constitutional legislation in the United Kingdom. The vulnerability of the house of lords to major change was long-standing and to be found in the ac... Read More about Resisting the Inevitable? The Parliament Act 1911.

Parliament and Citizens in the United Kingdom (2012)
Journal Article
Norton, P. (2012). Parliament and Citizens in the United Kingdom. Journal of Legislative Studies, 18(3-4), 403-418.

The relationship that has developed between Parliament and citizen in the United Kingdom has been two-way and multi-faceted. This article examines the input achieved by citizen (as voter, constituent, and member of organised interest) through party,... Read More about Parliament and Citizens in the United Kingdom.

Comparing leadership patterns and dynamics in the legislative arena (2012)
Book Chapter
Norton, P. (2012). Comparing leadership patterns and dynamics in the legislative arena. In L. Helms (Ed.), Comparative political leadership (56-76). Palgrave Macmillan.

We know what legislatures are but we know much less about what they do and have little theory to help us understand what goes on within them as they shape the political agenda and achieve particular public policies.

Biographical note (2012)
Book Chapter
Lord Norton of Louth, P. (2012). Biographical note. In Enoch at 100: a re-evaluation of the life, politics and philosophy of Enoch Powell (xxv - xxix). Biteback Publishing

Effective Capacity Building: The Capacity to Do What? (2012)
Journal Article
Lord Norton of Louth, P. (2012). Effective Capacity Building: The Capacity to Do What?. Parliamentary affairs, 65(3), 520-528.

This volume addresses an important subject, one that is too often neglected in the scholarly study of legislatures. I begin by addressing the premise of the volume: that is, that capacity building matters. Why does it matter? It matters because legis... Read More about Effective Capacity Building: The Capacity to Do What?.

Speaking for the people: a conservative narrative of democracy (2012)
Journal Article
Norton, P. (2012). Speaking for the people: a conservative narrative of democracy. Policy studies : the journal of the Policy Studies Institute, 33(2), 121-132.

A Conservative accepts that democracy entails government by and (especially) for the people, but what constitutes the people is seen not in narrow but in expansive terms: the people are not confined to those who constitute a present transient majorit... Read More about Speaking for the people: a conservative narrative of democracy.

Coalition cohesion (2012)
Book Chapter
Norton, P. (2012). Coalition cohesion. In T. Heppell, & D. Seawright (Eds.), Cameron and the Conservatives: The transition to coalition government (181-193). Palgrave Macmillan.

Anthony King (1976) identified different modes of executive-legislative relations. In the United Kingdom, the most visible is the opposition mode, in which the party in government is pitted against the party or parties, in opposition. This mode, as K... Read More about Coalition cohesion.

Constitutional change and the tensions of liberal democracy (2012)
Book Chapter
Norton, P. (2012). Constitutional change and the tensions of liberal democracy. In J. Connelly, & J. Hayward (Eds.), The Withering of the Welfare State (71-85). Palgrave Macmillan.

The past 50 years have witnessed significant changes in the constitutional arrangements of nations around the globe. Changes have been necessary in order to ensure a stable polity, achieving or maintaining some degree of balance between effectiveness... Read More about Constitutional change and the tensions of liberal democracy.

'Thatcher, 1975-9' (2012)
Book Chapter
Lord Norton of Louth, P. (2012). 'Thatcher, 1975-9'. In Leaders of the Opposition from Churchill to Cameron (97 - 108). Palgrave Macmillan

A century of constitutional reform (2011)
Norton, P. (2011). P. Norton (Ed.). A century of constitutional reform. Wiley

A Century of Constitutional Reform is a detailed study of the introduction, passage and consequences of major constitutional legislation in the United Kingdom. The book covers legislation enacted since the passage of the Parliament Act 1911, with con... Read More about A century of constitutional reform.

Divided loyalties: The European Communities Act 1972 (2011)
Journal Article
Lord Norton of Louth, P. (2011). Divided loyalties: The European Communities Act 1972. Parliamentary History, 30(1), 53-64.

UK membership of the European Communities (EC) was prompted by economic and political factors. It represented a novel constitutional departure; one that was contested. The proposal for membership created divisions between, and within, both main parti... Read More about Divided loyalties: The European Communities Act 1972.