The perils of a hung parliament
Book Chapter
Lord Norton of Louth, P. (2008). The perils of a hung parliament. In No Overall Control? the impact of a 'hung parliament' on British politics (109 - 111). The Hansard Society
All Outputs (89)
Post-Communist and Post-Soviet Parliaments: The Initial Decade (2007)
Lord Norton of Louth, P. (2007). Post-Communist and Post-Soviet Parliaments: The Initial Decade. RoutledgeThe sudden collapse of communism stimulated both the rapid emergence of fledgling democracies and scholarly attention to the post-communist transition. These newly democratized parliaments have been described as "parliaments in adolescence". This boo... Read More about Post-Communist and Post-Soviet Parliaments: The Initial Decade.
Four models of political representation: British MPs and the use of ICT (2007)
Journal Article
Norton, P. (2007). Four models of political representation: British MPs and the use of ICT. Journal of Legislative Studies, 13(3), 354-369. paper tests four models of political representation in the UK Parliament: the traditional, party, representative and tribune. Each involves a different usage of the Internet in order to fulfil a particular role. A rational choice approach emphas... Read More about Four models of political representation: British MPs and the use of ICT.
Tony Blair and the constitution (2007)
Journal Article
Norton, P. (2007). Tony Blair and the constitution. British Politics, 2(2), 269-281. Tony Blair's premiership, the British constitution has undergone extensive change, unparalleled in recent British history, but without the Prime Minister having a developed view of what form of constitution is desirable for the United Kingdom.... Read More about Tony Blair and the constitution.
The Constitution (2007)
Book Chapter
Norton, P. (2007). The Constitution. In A. Seldon (Ed.), Blair's Britain, 1997–2007 (104-122). Cambridge University Press. area in which there was a clear divide between the parties in 1997 was that of constitutional reform. The Conservatives were defenders of existing arrangements. Labour advocated a major overhaul of the nation's constitutional arrangements. The pa... Read More about The Constitution.
Adding value? The role of second chambers (2007)
Journal Article
Lord Norton of Louth, P. (2007). Adding value? The role of second chambers. Asia Pacific Law Review, 15(1), 43160
The individual member in the British house of commons: Facing both ways and marching forward (2000)
Book Chapter
Norton, P. (2000). The individual member in the British house of commons: Facing both ways and marching forward. In L. D. Longley, & R. Y. Hazan (Eds.), The Uneasy Relationships Between Parliamentary Members and Leaders (53-74). Frank Cass & Co© 2000 Frank Cass & Co. Ltd. The British MP has a constituency face and a Westminster face. The constituency face has become more demanding in recent decades but is essentially, though not wholly, non-threatening to party leaders. The Westminster f... Read More about The individual member in the British house of commons: Facing both ways and marching forward.
Intra-party dissent in the house of commons: A case study. The immigration rules 1972 (1976)
Journal Article
Norton, P. (1976). Intra-party dissent in the house of commons: A case study. The immigration rules 1972. Parliamentary affairs, 29(4), 404-420.
Parliament and the courts : strangers, foes or friends?
Book Chapter
Norton, P. Parliament and the courts : strangers, foes or friends?. In UK supreme court handbook. most of the 20th Century, the constitution of the United Kingdom was seen as essentially settled. It experienced some adjustments, and at time upheavals, in the relationship between the different components of the state. These included the relati... Read More about Parliament and the courts : strangers, foes or friends?.