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All Outputs (14)

The Impact of Legislatures : A Quarter-Century of The Journal of Legislative Studies (2020)
Norton, P. (Ed.). (2020). The Impact of Legislatures : A Quarter-Century of The Journal of Legislative Studies. Routledge

The Impact of Legislatures brings together key articles and path-breaking scholarship published in The Journal of Legislative Studies during its first 25 years of publication, enabling the reader to make sense of the impact of legislatures in the mod... Read More about The Impact of Legislatures : A Quarter-Century of The Journal of Legislative Studies.

Politics UK (2018)
Jones, B., Hertner, I., & Norton, P. (2018). B. Jones, P. Norton, & O. Daddow (Eds.). Politics UK. Routledge.

This revised and updated tenth edition of the bestselling textbook Politics UK is an indispensable introduction to British politics. It provides a thorough and accessible overview of the institutions and processes of British government, an excellent... Read More about Politics UK.

Reform of the House of Lords (2017)
Norton, P. (2017). Reform of the House of Lords. Manchester University Press

This book is the only one of its kind, providing a clear and exhaustive analysis of the different approaches to the future of Britain's second chamber. The House of Lords has long been the subject of proposals for reform - some successful, others not... Read More about Reform of the House of Lords.

Politics UK (2013)
Lord Norton of Louth, P. (2013). Politics UK. Routledge

A century of constitutional reform (2011)
Norton, P. (2011). P. Norton (Ed.). A century of constitutional reform. Wiley

A Century of Constitutional Reform is a detailed study of the introduction, passage and consequences of major constitutional legislation in the United Kingdom. The book covers legislation enacted since the passage of the Parliament Act 1911, with con... Read More about A century of constitutional reform.

Politics UK (2010)
Jones, B., & Lord Norton of Louth, P. (2010). Politics UK. Pearson

Politics UK is an indispensible introduction to British politics,providing a thorough and accessible overview of the institutions and processes of British government, a good grounding in British political history, and an incisive introduction to the... Read More about Politics UK.

The British Polity (2010)
Lord Norton of Louth, P. (2010). The British Polity. Longman

Offering an insider's analysis, Philip Norton examines the debates surrounding Britain's political history and culture, constitution, parties and elections, branches of government, media, and relations with the European Union. Throughout, The British... Read More about The British Polity.

The Internet and Parliamentary Democracy in Europe: a comparative study of the ethics of political communication in the digital age (2008)
Dai, X., & Norton, P. (Eds.). (2008). The Internet and Parliamentary Democracy in Europe: a comparative study of the ethics of political communication in the digital age. Routledge.

The overall aim of this volume is to investigate the impact of new information and communications technologies (ICTs), in particular the Internet, upon parliamentary democracy in Europe. Through a comparative study of four parliaments (the British, E... Read More about The Internet and Parliamentary Democracy in Europe: a comparative study of the ethics of political communication in the digital age.

Post-Communist and Post-Soviet Parliaments: The Initial Decade (2007)
Lord Norton of Louth, P. (2007). Post-Communist and Post-Soviet Parliaments: The Initial Decade. Routledge

The sudden collapse of communism stimulated both the rapid emergence of fledgling democracies and scholarly attention to the post-communist transition. These newly democratized parliaments have been described as "parliaments in adolescence". This boo... Read More about Post-Communist and Post-Soviet Parliaments: The Initial Decade.