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All Outputs (2)

Episodic elaboration: Investigating the structure of retrieved past events and imagined future events (2014)
Journal Article
Anderson, R. J., Peters, L., & Dewhurst, S. A. (2015). Episodic elaboration: Investigating the structure of retrieved past events and imagined future events. Consciousness and cognition, 33(1), 112-124.

Five experiments investigated the cognitive processes involved in the elaboration of past and future events. A production listing procedure was used, in which participants listed details of each event in forwards chronological order, backwards chrono... Read More about Episodic elaboration: Investigating the structure of retrieved past events and imagined future events.

Mental time travel in dysphoria: Differences in the content and subjective experience of past and future episodes (2014)
Journal Article
Anderson, R. J., & Evans, G. L. (2015). Mental time travel in dysphoria: Differences in the content and subjective experience of past and future episodes. Consciousness and cognition, 37, 237-248.

Previous research has shown that depressed individuals demonstrate a number of biases in their ability to retrieve past events and simulate future events. The current study investigated the content and phenomenological experience of past and future e... Read More about Mental time travel in dysphoria: Differences in the content and subjective experience of past and future episodes.